Oscar’s Big Bulk

Written by ls6y06cl6a0n
Illustrated by Your_Caretaker
on Grommr (Instagram: @yourcaretakerart, Twitter: @urcaretakerart

The pandemic hit Oscar and Tommy hard. They had to sell their house. Then they had to close their gym down, and start living in it. At least until things got back to normal. For Oscar, the boredom was unbearable. Surrounded by weights every day, his hankering to bulk up bigger blew out of control. For a whole year, all he did was lift. Morning, noon and night. Gainer shakes always at hand; he lost track of how many he was chugging each day. During that year, Oscar blew UP. His offseason weight soon shot past Greg Kovacs’ record of 420 pounds. Yet he still felt too small. He wanted more…

Coach: You okay, Oscar? You look lost in thought.
Oscar: Yeah, I just… had this strange dream last night. I was at a brewery, and I was like a beer taster, but… it got totally out of control. I just kept drinking and drinking, I was getting SO fat! I was like… like some kind of beer balloon…!
Coach: Woah. Strange dream!

(you can see the dream here:)

Oscar: Yeah, haha. But it just got me thinking… I miss that feeling of growing bigger. I want it so bad. I’ve been going at the weights HARD for a couple months now and… Zip. Nada. Haven’t gained a pound. We gotta break this plateau, Tommy.

(they see a cartoon stuffing on TV)

Oscar: I wish I could eat like that. Can you imagine what that would do for my muscles?
Oscar: … Oh yeah? Whattya mean?
Coach: Hmm. Be here tomorrow. I got… I got a plan. We gotta get you into Bulk Mode.
Oscar: Oof, sounds great. I can’t wait!

Coach: (from the kitchen) Oscar, it’s ready!
Oscar: Woah! Dang, you really went for it! Look at this food!

There was enough food to feed an entire army. An army of bodybuilders on their cheat day.

Oscar: How am I gonna pack this all in?
Coach: Trust me, big guy.

And so Oscar ate. And he ate. And he ate. Chomping great piles of food, his belly stretching and growing. What had started as an offseason gut slowly transformed into a huge tight beer belly.

Oscar: Oooffffff. Feels GOOD to stuff this tank nice and full, hehe. I feel massive.
Coach: Gonna take some serious hours in the gym to shred that tank. Or else you’ll get fat!
Oscar: Pfft. I don’t care. I just wanna get BIGGER and HEAVIER. I don’t care if it means a big fat gut too.
Coach: Wellll… Funny you should say that since there’s actually a LOT more food to go.
Oscar: Bring it on!

Tommy kept bringing more food to him.

Coach: All this stuffing is working wonders for your gains, big guy. Even your muscles look bloated!
Oscar: (huffing and puffing) Ufffff, I’m STUFFED. But I love it, haha!
Coach: Haha. Good! Cos we’re not finished yet!

And he was right. More food came. Then more. Then more. All of it was stuffed into Oscar’s gigantic stomach.

Coach: Eat up, Oscar. Last plate.
Oscar: It better be… I feel like… I’m gonna pop… BUUUUUUUURRRRPPPPP…

He managed to eat it without popping.

Oscar: Ugh… done!
Coach: You did it! How do you feel?
Oscar: Never felt this stuffed… and tight… and BIG… my whole life… I love it.
Coach: That’s great. Cos we’re doing it again tomorrow.
Oscar: Tomorrow?! Are you serious?

Tommy was serious. For the next three weeks, he laid out a buffet for Oscar, who chowed it down every day after training. Oscar’s muscles soaked it up like a sponge, bloating and swelling even bigger. But his belly… now that had stretched to an incredible size. But he didn’t care. He was hooked on growing. At the end of his biggest feeding session yet, he was at his biggest, ever.

Tommy: 5 pizzas left, big man.
Oscar: (barely able to talk) I… Can’t… Ughhh…

We could hear the skin and muscles, taut like a balloon, having a hard time streching to accomodate to his growing stomach. It was tight like a drum, but still swelling, dangerously.

Oscar: I’m… gonna… burst…Oh…God…

The sound of his belly stretching and rumbling was deafening…

…until they slowly died down.

Oscar:Uhhhh… phew…! That was close… Though I was gonna pop… heh… I can’t… move…
Tommy: You did good, Oscar. I’m proud of you! You look amazing.
Oscar:Thanks… I wish… I didn’t have to… stop… I just – I just hit my limit… can’t fit any more in… I wish I could stretch… my capacity…

At this exact moment, they hear a air pump noise. It was a cartoon playing on the TV. It was a classic scene of inflation: one character was making the other swell like a ballon using an air canister. The belly of the second character was stretching out like a balloon. Tommy looked at it, and looked back at Oscar.

Tommy: Hmmm.
Oscar:Wait… You’re not thinking…?
Tommy: What have we got to lose?

The Next Day, Tommy had prepared a big air canister with a long hose. There were about to push the limit of Oscar’s capacity by inflating him until he stretches bigger than ever before. The big man was lying on the floor in a starfish position, waiting to be inflated.
Oscar: Just… Go easy, okay? I don’t wanna pop…
Tommy: Opening the valve now. Here we go!

A soon as we heard a hissing sound, we could see the big man’s belly swell. Surprisingly, Oscar’s belly began to stretch even more. Beyond its current enormous capacity, to inhuman proportions.

Oscar: Oooofffff, it’s working…! I can feel it… stretching me! Dang, the pressure!
Tommy: Should I stop?
Oscar: No! No, keep going! I gotta… keep expanding… bigger… Uhhhh…Even… my muscles…are inflating…! How is that even possible?

Full to the maximum, the air began to spread in other parts of his body. Every single part of him started to blow up even bigger, harder. He was fully immobilized.
The dome of skin was now taller than Tommy. It was a perfect sphere inflating in every direction.

Tommy: I think that’s too much… Let’s stop now.
Oscar: No! (winded) More! Let…me… grow…bigger… Ooooooohhhhh.

Just as they both thought that the belly balloon was about to pop, the hissing sound faded. The canister was finally empty. Oscar’s belly was stretched so big and so tight, that the skin was hard as a basketball.
Oscar: Ooooffff! I’m like… a balloon! Oh god, I’m immense! But now… I’m hungry!
Tommy: Can’t wait to see how much you can eat!
Oscar: I gotta… crush my record…
Tommy: Now… We gotta get you out of here before you’re too big to fit through the garage door…
Oscar: Help me… up… please…

Being inflated like a balloon to his maximum capacity, Oscar was laying on his back, immobile. He may be full of air, but his gigantic muscle mass was still making him the heaviest man we ever saw. Could he walk? It took all of Tommy’s strength to push the colossal balloon of a man to his feet. He lifted his shoulder and the curve of his belly immediately touched the ground. He could then roll to a standing position.

“I’m freaking… enormous!”, he said. “So huge… and strong…Dang, I feel… invincible! I can barely move….”

He lifted a foot from the ground, using all the strength of his oversized muscles.


He shifted his balance so he could advance forward. Feet still his the air, he then let everything go, stomping the ground like a sumo wrestler. The earth shook: it could be felt miles away.
He continued to make small stomps until he finally reached the garage door. But he soon realized that his belly was too wide.

“Just push against it, I’m sure you’ll be able to squeeze your way out of here”, said Tommy.

That’s what he did. The metal structure made worrying sounds of metal folding, while Oscar pushed his gigantic spherical body in the small opening.


The sounds of metal continued, until…


The frame of the door exploded from the pressure. The balloon belly was so sturdy, inflated so tightly that it was stronger than metal.

He was finally outside, ready to put that expanded stomach capacity to the test.

Oscar had trouble moving his immense body. With small stomps from left to right (not unlike a sumo wrestler), he finally made his way into the parking behind the gym.

He sat on the asphalt, legs spreading as wide as he could, to make room for his huge spherical middle. It was at least 8 feet tall. Half of its volume was still filled with the previous enormous meal, while the rest of the space was inflated by a dangerously big amount of compressed air. Tommy tried to push the belly to see how much space they could fill with food, but his finger bent immediately as if it was a ball of cement.

Tommy: I’m not even sure there’s space for a single mouthful of food in that overpumped tire of yours? Maybe I shouldn’t have called them.
Oscar: Ooooffff… No… I need food. That air will come out as you fill me with food. You need to feed me quickly before I deflate! Use that stretch…to make me… heavier than ever before. Besides, who did you called?

At that moment, a dozen of food trucks was advancing towards them in the parking lot.

Tommy: Wait here, I have to announce to them that the festival I told them about isn’t happening and that you’ll eat every portion they can prepare.

Dumfounded but happy to sell that much food, the staff of each restaurant on wheels started preparing as many plates as they could.

Oscar ate even faster than before, desperate to fill the void. His gigantic belly grew a couple of inches while making thunderous sounds of protestation. The food truck staff couldn’t believe their eyes. They thought that the man-balloon was about to pop.

The big man was struggling. His face was red and he continues to eat through the pain. Tommy brings him the item that would make him explode.

Chilli. But not a single bowl: a large pot of freshly made chili. He placed a ladder on Oscar’s large back and told him to tilt his head back. The coach then proceeds to slowly empty the entire pot in the giant’s mouth, which was swallowing gallons of the red substance at a record pace.

Then came a rumbling so loud, that everyone thought that it was thunder. It was the belly, roaring like a lion. Oscar’s entire face stretched as his cheeks suddenly inflated more than humanly possible.

This is when he let everything go:

He let out a long belch and a big fart, the pressure release that he had needed for a while. The air was finally being pushed out of his system as they replaced it with food.

He continued to eat, expulsing huge belches and farts as the food take the empty spot.

At one point, Oscar stopped emitting gas. Tommy estimated that they had successfully removed all the air from him and filled the space with food.

Tommy: It worked! The air increased your capacity and you’ve been able to eat more than ever before! How do you feel?
Oscar: I’m not even sure I have a limit anymore! I can feel myself expanding! More!
But now that the stomach was filled, there was only one possible result: growing even bigger. So the feeding continued for hours. Oscar was reaching a new record size every minute. He was expanding visibly and continued to eat without ever stopping for air.
He would continue to swell, the top of his belly reaching 14 feet in height.
The food trucks were empty, and they all looked at the colossal balloon one last time before leaving.

But Oscar said a single word that would traumatize them all for the rest of their life:


Oscar was bigger than ever. There was the entire content of a dozen food trucks inside him, but it wasn’t enough.

“More! More! Still hungry! Want more!”, says the gigantic fat man.
The coach had bad news for him: “I hate to say it, but… we’re out of food! What should we do?

He then remembered another part of the cartoon they saw this morning. A classic: a character would put a hose inside someone’s mouth, open a valve and inflate the other character like a water balloon. So Tommy made the ultimate gamble:
“Hey, what about liquid? We could fill you up with gainer shakes! Waddya say? Just need something big to mix it in.”

He looked around and saw the jacuzzi in the back of the gym. It would be perfect.
Tommy rushed to the gym back store and came back with a pallet piled high with bags of protein powder, weight gainers, and creatine. He opened some bags and empty their content inside the brand new jacuzzi. He filled it up with water and powered it on. The jets were the perfect mixer: the powder at the bottom of the pool started to blend with the water. It was the largest gainer shake the world ever saw.

He found a long tube, 3 inches in diameter, plugged it in Oscar’s mouth, and said:
“You can use that hose as a straw! Drink, while I add more powder. And don’t worry about finishing it, that water hose should keep it filled up.”
The hungry man started to suck furiously, drinking millions of calories by the minute. He pumped the liquid so fast that his body had started to expand again. Tommy was running from the back store to the jacuzzi, to refill it with powder, while the water hose made sure that it wouldn’t run out of liquid.

Oscar drank gallons, barrels, containers worth of gainer shakes.

Several hours later, the gym’s back store was empty. He had consumed it all. His body had expanded to enormous proportions. His belly was a round sphere, 40 feet tall.

Tommy exclaimed: “That’s it! You drank our entire stock! How do you feel Oscar?”
“Ughhhh… feels like… there’s an ocean inside me… the liquid is thickening…expanding… Oh, man… I’m so bloated… What’s gonna happen…?”
“I don’t know. Those weight gainers and protein powders don’t act instantaneously… You have billions of calories in you, waiting to make you bigger. I think we should leave you here overnight and just… wait and see, okay?”

They had no idea how big oscar would become the next morning…


On the news channel:
“The population was in shock Monday morning as they saw a giant flesh-colored mountain looming over their neighborhood. At first, they thought it was a hot air balloon that crashed, until they realized that it was in fact Oscar, one of the owners of the local gym that had grown into a colossal mass of muscles. Nobody can explain this phenomenon.

Since the incident, thousands of people from all over the world are in line day and night, to try the gym that made Oscar into the 8th Wonder of the world, hoping to grow as well.
Tommy, the other owner of the gym, worked hard to expand the gym as quickly as he could, filling an entire parking lot with training machines. His clients are excited to work out while admiring the massive man reaching almost a kilometer above their heads.

The little town is now famous, and many tourists take the helicopter tour, where they pay to feed Oscar with the amount of food they want.
Everybody who knew Oscar before his transformation says that his hunger for growth was finally satisfied.”

You can watch the animated version on my YouTube channel.

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