Super Heavy Weight Class

The Proposition

“Man, you gotta be kidding. You’ve spouted off some crazy-assed schemes before, but that one takes the cake. I’m not gonna be anyone’s lab guinea pig.”

Joey, the dorm’s resident loud-mouthed jock, reached for his beer as he dismissed Brian’s suggestion. Throwing a hand in a “get out of here” gesture, Joey raised his three-quarter-full stein with the other, draining it in one motion. Closing his eyes tightly and thrusting his square jaw forward, he ripped out a deep belch. Then, with a grunt of relief, he shoved his empty glass into Brian’s chest and directed him to refill it. Brian started to protest.

After quietly watching Brian’s failed attempts to make Joey listen, Tony finally broke in. “Guys guys! Hear him out, Joey. What’s the harm in it? We test some new food substitute for a few weeks. No biggie, and we might make some good cash. We could use the beer money with all you’re socking away lately.”

“Man, I like my chow too much, and this sounds nuts to me anyway.” Joey looked down at his gut as he spoke.

They were an interesting threesome. Joey, Tony and Brian had been roommates since freshman year, despite seemingly little in common and an occasionally off-kilter balance in their interactions. Joey was this huge, swaggering jock, a beefy dark Italian guy with a don’t-fuck-with-me attitude. He was built like a tree trunk, framed with broad, round but muscled shoulders, a thick chest, huge beefy arms, and a set of thighs that could hold up a house. His neck was just as muscled, and his square jaw set off a startlingly handsome face. Joey was one hundred percent Italian, with a mop of jet-black hair and deep, alluring eyes that were almost wet looking. Against the smooth, rich tone of his olive skin, Joey’s bright white grin could stop traffic. His smile would qualify as boyish without the tightly shaved goatee that framed it. Joey knew he cut an imposing figure, and his devilish smirk revealed just how proud he was of his size and presence. And no matter how loud or in your face Joey could be, once his smirk broke into a grin, white teeth flashing, he was hard to resist and always got his way.

Brain was at the opposite end of the spectrum. He was fit, but was most certainly not a jock. He seemed like a 5’ 8”, 170# pip-squeak next to Joey’s 6’ 3” wall of a build. He was definitely the brightest of the three, a biology student who oscillated between proud intellectual aloofness and awkward attempts to be one of the guys. But when struggling to affect what he secretly considered a somewhat dumb, yo-dude mentality, he tended to just come off as a bird circling a large mass, clumsily vying for some of the attention that naturally fell on Joey. And Joey was always there to throw in a jab, preying on Brian’s self-conscious attempts at a different personality. In the end, the two had somehow always gotten along, though there was definitely a precarious balance to their friendship. Tony always figured it would erupt one day unless he helped diffuse the periodic tension.

Tony was, in fact, the most to credit for the threesome’s solidarity. Both his personality and physique were dead center between his roommates. It made him a natural counterbalance, so he often ended up mediating. He was also a jock, though with more of a baseball player’s physique compared to Joey’s massive, swaggering football build. And he was most certainly more understated and quiet. But despite Tony’s own relatively calm demeanor, he found Joey’s bravado infinitely amusing. Whereas Brian sometimes made dumb attempts to pull off what only Joey could, Tony would just egg Joey on, sharing in the fun without trying to be the center of attention. He would intervene if Joey ever went too far, but he endorsed the behavior, just toning it down enough when Brian was about to lose it or if Joey was about to get himself in trouble. Of all Joey’s many friends, Tony was the only who managed to influence Joey, and it often pissed Brian off.

Joey grumbled at Tony’s intervention and headed for the chair in the corner, one hand on his gut as he nursed another belch to the surface. He’d been gorging on pizza, burgers and beer after beer all weekend, and his gut was definitely starting to edge out to prove it. As he took in short breathes, his only choice given the beer-bloated pressure on his belly at the moment, he snapped back at Brian.

“If you’re gonna make me listen to this crazy idea, I’ll need more beer, dork. Keep it moving. Still pretty thirsty here.”

Brian scowled as he testily pumped the keg. “Yeah, ‘cause you haven’t put enough beer in that gut already. I think you’ve drained an entire keg single-handedly this weekend. I’m surprised there’s enough left in here to even fill this glass.”

Totally ignoring the comment, Joey sank into the beat up recliner. His imposing mass hit the chair with a hard thud. In one motion, he had the chair thrown back and fully horizontal. It was a move he had done often, as evidenced by the grind of the springs and his quick flop into a sprawled position. He spread out in the chair with broad shoulders spanning the entire width of the recliner, legs over the chair arms, head leaning back, eyes shut and mouth pushing out beer-soaked exhales. Taking in one big breath, he firmly grabbed the outer curves of his overfed belly and bounced its now basketball-sized bulge with both hands to let loose a second, wall-shaking belch. With a groan of relief, he folded his thickly muscled arms over his chest, nestling them into where his rounded pecs joined his newly formed gut. The university logo on his T-shirt skipped an inch or two where the top of his gut dipped in to meet the base of his strong chest. It then distorted slightly at the top peak of his belly, curving back to normal proportion as the shirt hugged into his navel. When his arms landed, the bottom of his shirt tugged up a few inches, exposing the bottom arc of the jock’s beer gut.

Brian walked over and smacked the refilled beer right on the peak of Joey’s belly.

“Oooof. Hey man, easy on this thing. It’s been getting mighty full this weekend. No need to go adding extra pressure.”

Now Brian’s arms were crossed. “You know, Joey, I’ve watched you put on weight every spring, but this year you’re really outdoing yourself. I’d think that with all you’re eating, you might go for this idea a little more.”

Brian was right about Joey’s spring semester gain. It had been a ritual for Joey since freshman year, and this was the third year that Tony and Brian had seen Joey feed himself up. Joey’s running position on the football team kept him trimmer during the fall, so unlike many of his teammates, he always cut a more lean figure through November than he did come April. Joey was certainly never anything other than beefy, but he kept his hearty build to a steady 235 during the fall. But the second the season was over, Joey started ramping up for spring. He wrestled during the next semester, and he always felt more powerful if he added some girth, and he made no secret of liking to eat more. Thanksgiving always served as the official kickoff. By New Year’s, after two holidays at home with his big-eating Italian family, Joey was soon sporting a bulge below his pecs that he proudly paraded around and fed for the rest of the semester. And each year he seemed to edge a little higher up the scale, knowing he would always drop some of the weight once the warm summer weather hit, losing the rest once he started running his ass off for football again in the fall. It was almost as if he tested how big he could get before snapping back to playing weight.

Joey actually didn’t gain that much during freshman year. It was more of an accident, the freshman 15. Well, 25. Both he and the wrestling coach discovered that the extra few pounds gave him an edge on the mats, so when Joey showed up for his sophomore season at his fall weight, the coach told him to beef up again. The hearty jock didn’t have to be told twice. He peaked out at 278# before mid-season that year. And for his junior year, after a particularly gut-busting Christmas and two more months of winter eating, he was likely already at record size.

“You know, Joey, if you keep it up, you’re not going to be able to yank any of your shirts over that gut of yours. You won’t even be able to move around fast enough to pin a guy at this rate.”

Joey sat up enough to scowl at Brian and suck up more beer. His belly pushed a bit higher with his torso’s contraction, edging his shirt up another inch or two as he chugged.

Now Tony got into the conversation, though with far less disdain that Brian. In fact, Tony saw it as the opening to check in on his buddy’s progress.

“You have managed to edge up to full size pretty quickly, Joe. It’s only February, and you’re looking pretty massive. What’s that gut have you weighin’ these days?”

“Dunno. Maybe I’m 260 already.” Joey pushed his belly out, patting it as he guessed at his weight. Brian guffawed loudly.

“Ha! 260? There’s no way fatso! Your belly must be bigger than ever. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re fatter than you’ve ever been.”

Joey launched out of the chair at Brian with amazing speed for a half-drunk guy of his size. Brian’s eyes bugged as Joey body-slammed him into the wall. Throwing his arms back to lead with his chest and gut, he pressed Brian squarely into the wall, squatting down and then extending his powerful legs to raise Brian’s feet off the floor, grinding him up the wall solely with his gut.

“Who you calling fatso, you puss? I may outweigh your bony ass by a ton, but I’m faster than you’ll ever be and can chase you down if you keep busting my chops.”

Brian was trying to be nonchalant, but he could barely inhale with the jock’s full weight slammed firmly into him. The more he wriggled, the harder Joey pressed. Brian finally held still, looking right into Joey’s rugged face. Jet black eyes stared back unflinchingly, and Joey leaned even harder to make Brian groan. Brian felt his ribs pressing back into his lungs and started to gasp.

“See how this weight helps, buddy boy? My coach likes it, and the guys I wrestle go down easier, so stop giving me shit, okay.” Tony started to call Joey off, so he suddenly stepped back, letting Brain drop. As Brian slid down the wall, his chin bounced on Joey’s gut before his legs crumpled under him. Joey grunted from the impact but gave Brian one more belly bump before he hit the floor. Looking down with a laugh as Brian gasped to catch his breath, the jock turned to search for more food.

It took Brian a minute to recover, and that gave Joey time to rummage for more to eat. The room was littered with empty bags from the nearby burger joint and with stacks of pizza boxes from the all night delivery service. Joey opened one box after the other until he found three remaining pizza slices.

Joey inhaled the last of the pizza at an amazing rate for a guy whose belly was already overloaded from a weekend of nonstop eating. Joey realized that Tony was watching, seeming impressed that the jock was still putting it away, so he played it up. “Ooooo. That feels goooood.” He looked down as his protruding belly with a visible sense of pride. Putting one meaty hand on the front of his stomach, he slowly puffed his gut out as far is it could go. Patting the top and front of his bulging gut, he moaned. “Mmmmm. Oh yeah. Getting nice and stuffed, but I think I should top it off with a few burritos, finish off the weekend right, hey Tonz?” Tony grinned and shrugged a why not. Brian looked on with characteristic disdain, which was characteristically dismissed by Joey.

“Alright Bri.” Joey flashed that killer grin with mock niceness. “This sounds like a BRILLIANT scheme. I’ll hear you out, but it’s gonna be over Mexican, Let’s go.”

“You mean to tell me you can even eat another – OUCH!”

Tony punched Brian in the arm to shut him up, whispering, “You wanna end up pressed against the wall again? Jheesh.”

Soon the threesome was parked at the all night burrito stand. All three had ordered food, but Joey’s share easily covered half of the table. His gut was steadily creeping toward the table edge as he crammed fattening Mexican food into his mouth with unrestrained gusto. He ate as if the twenty-minute drive equated to eight hours of fasting. Both Tony and Brian had finished their orders long ago, but Joey was pushing on, miraculously shoving in a fourth burrito, eyeing the fifth and looking ready to pop at any moment. His shirt wore like a second skin. The logo was now completely distorted, spreading across the top arc of his gut. The hem at the base of his shirt, surrendering under the building pressure of the jock’s hard gut, managed to stay pinned below the firm bulge of his love handles. The fabric, however, just couldn’t reach all the way across his ever-growing belly, and the bottom edge could no longer stretch around the broad middle of the spherical expanse that pushed out from Joey’s torso. The shirt slid up his belly in a trail behind the logo, exposing a good four inches of gut above his navel, wrinkling into folds where his pecs rested and pulling hard down the outer edge of his belly to his sides. Anyone else would have shifted to cover his exposed belly, but Joey just ate on, letting his stuffed gut stick out for everyone to see.

Talking around giant mouthfuls, he said, “So, you gonna tell me more about this scheme or what?” Waiting for the full answer, he braced the bottom of his exposed gut with one hand as he reached for that fifth burrito with the other. “Damn, am I getting packed full. One last burrito though. Oooo. Man! Feel this puppy tighten up.” Everyone at nearby tables could hear the thump as he slapped his hand on the exposed flesh. “Bet I can still can get in – oooo – one last – mmmmmm – man, stuffed gut – burrito.” With that, he rammed a third of the last burrito into his wide-open mouth. “Well Bri? Mmphfm. Gonna tell me, or what?”

Brian finally got the chance to finish what he tried to start two hours before, so he kept his fatso jabs to himself and started to explain the science department’s experiment.

“It’s pretty simple. They want volunteers to test this new food substitute. They’re paying huge money. We sign up, take the stuff for a couple of months, and we get paid bunch of money.”

“Food substitute? What the hell is that?” Joey stuck his tongue out to catch the cheese dripping from his burrito, unintentionally making the question comical. Brian managed not to laugh and went on with the explanation.

“It’s this food tablet they’ve been developing. We just have to take a few a day, instead of normal food. It releases the nutrients and calories you need, and it’s supposed to have enough in it to maintain your weight and keep you going as if you were eating – like a normal person with a NORMAL caloric intake.” Joey shot a warning glare between bites and Tony grabbed Brian’s knee under the table. He held his tongue, letting Joey consider the proposition.

“So let me get this straight. Some crazy scientist is spending university cash to makes pills so people don’t have to eat? What in the hell would anyone want that for?!” Brian sighed. It was so hard not to lob off a comment about the jock’s gluttony.

“It’s for use on people who can’t eat for some reason. Hard for you to picture, I know. Someone’s sick, but doctors have to keep him nourished. For extended and remote travel. Or it’s possible they’d use it in the space program. They have been developing it for years and are positive it’s ready to submit to the government. They’ve run about a million tests with rabbits and monkeys. Totally safe. But they just need to test it to make sure the thing works the same way on people. So they’re advertising for volunteers, and they’re paying huge money. We could make a ton.”

“So what’sthe deal? I literally have to eat nothing but some astronaut’s food pellets for weeks? Aw man, I dunno. I gotta keep my weight up for the rest of the season. Still sounds crazy to me.”

Tony piped in. “What the hell, Joe. Let’s go see the mad scientist. If it really works like Brian’s saying, sounds like a pretty easy way to make a lot of money. Let’s go check it out. What could it hurt?”

“Shit, alright. Alright already. Let’s go check it out if it’ll shut you guys up. But I tell ya, if it affects my wrestling, I’m gonna come after both of you.”

The Deal

So the next day, the three headed to the science department to sign up for the experiment. Brian seemed oddly excited about having convinced his buddies to come with him, and he was eager to finalize the deal before they changed their minds.

Soon Brian and Tony were seated in two chairs in front of the doctor’s desk, with Joey standing behind Brian, arms crossed over the top of his gut, which stuck out proudly from the weekend’s gorging.

“Okay, Doctor Lambert, I’ve told these guys about the program, so we’re here to sign up.”

“I see,” the doctor started. “Well, let’s get out the paperwork then.”

Joey protested immediately. “Hold on a second. I said I’d come hear him out. I haven’t decided to be a guinea pig just yet.”

Brian muttered. “Though ironically you’re the one already looking like a pig.” Thud. “Hey!” Brian’s teeth clacked together as Joey blasted his gut into the back of his head in response to the crack.

“Guys! Enough already.” Tony shot them both a look that got them back in line.

Doctor Lambert patiently waited until they quieted down. “Okay then. Let’s review how the experiment is structured, shall we boys? Joey, is it? Why don’t you have a seat?” The doctor directed him to pull up a chair from the corner of the office. Joey slowly lowered himself into the wooden armchair, having to wriggle himself into its tight confines. The doctor’s eyebrow raised as he surveyed Joey’s bulk. “Looks like you will need a bigger dose than your friends will, Joey. Okay, let’s get started.”

“First off, you know the point of this substance, yes? It’s a complete food substitute. We need to ensure that it functions as a total dietary replacement for all solid food. So the experiment runs like this. You each list off what you has eaten for the last three days. I weigh you in. I will set daily intake amounts to match your eating habits and your size.” The doctor’s eyebrow raised and he looked directly at Joey. “Then I send you away with the product in question. You are to take it in place of all solid food for the next twelve weeks. It’s critical that you only take the pills I prescribe and that you eat no solid food until the experiment is completed. We feel confident that the substance effectively replaces what you would get from eating, but we are frankly still in the process of testing the interactions that result when solid food is partially mixed with the substitute. It’s the most open piece of this experiment, and I will insist that you adhere to that rule without questions. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. So you eat nothing but the pills, again, nothing. We then weigh you in during the process and check your metabolism to ensure that the substitute is functioning as anticipated. Then you get your check after the final examination. Really quite simple, and – ”

“Holy shit. Twelve weeks? Doc, I think you’re only gonna be signing up two of us.” Joey leaned back in his chair with a scowl. I’ll be starting wrestling finals in five weeks. I’ve been beefing myself up for that, and I just don’t think I can risk it. I thought this thing would be like a two-week deal, not the rest of the friggin’ semester.”

The doctor sat calmly as Joey protested. “Well, son, it’s quite clear from your size that I would be prescribing a much larger dose than has been used before. However, based on all tests run to date, I can assure you that your weight should remain constant, provided we get the dosage proportionate to your size and eating habits.”

“I dunno Doc. Still sounds pretty nuts to me, no matter what the payoff. Sorry but …”

“Ah, yes, the fee. Well, maybe that will sway you.” The doctor handed Joey the agreement form and a pen. “If you’ll look right here, I think you’ll see that it might be worth it to participate in what should be a harmless exercise.”

Joey let out a yelp of surprise. “Shit! That’d practically pay for all of next semester’s tuition. Brian, man, why didn’t you say it was so much cash?”

Brian didn’t actually known how much the doctor intended to pay, though he did know he got a referral fee for each friend that signed up. But he took the opportunity to say I told you so nonetheless. “Well, yeah”, you fat moose, he thought. “Why the hell do you think I was pushing us to do this so much?”

“So you promise me, Doc, that I’ll keep up weight if I do this? And I won’t feel so much as one ounce of lost energy. ‘Cause if I’m not at full power in the final meet …”

“Yes, yes, son. I’m quite sure you’ll be fine. Now if you’d all please sign the agreement forms, we can get you weighed and I can send you off to get started. I’ll bring you back for a check in three weeks to make sure we have the dose correct. Then we’ll adjust if necessary and give you the supply to cover the remainder of the experiment.”

At long last, signed papers committed them to the experiment, and the three guys were writing down everything they had eaten since Friday morning. Most guys would have been shy about listing the massive amounts that Joey had put away, but there Joey sat, working hard to remember every mouthful of food he had consumed. He had to ask for additional paper to list everything. The doctor looked over his shoulder to check the list.

“You are making that list for just the last three days, Joey, yes?”

Tony was the one that laughed this time. “Yeah, you should’ve seen him put it away!”

Joey grinned with pride. “I don’t want to forget a thing, Doc. I want to make sure you keep me up to fighting weight. It’s weird enough to agree to eat nothing but some pill for weeks, but I can’t slide on weight or coach’ll kill me.”

“Yes, well, if this represents what you’ve eaten in three days, I must say, young man, I am surprised you don’t weigh 400 pounds. And on that note, boys, it’s time to weigh you in.”

Each stripped to his briefs and stood before the scale. Tony and Brian had been recorded at expected starting weights of 170 and 203. Now it was time for Joey to tip the scales. Both Tony and Brian looked on with curiosity. They knew the jock was at record size, and each had to admit a fascination with just where that scale needle would land. Joey’s gut was still riding high, in full glory from the weekend’s eating binge. With the way his gut jutted out over the top of his briefs like a swollen basketball, bending the elastic waistband down in a deep curve, it almost looked like he had literally swallowed the ball, only to have it blow up in his stomach. Brian had a fleeting thought of how the overfed jock would look if that ball of a belly kept inflating, growing bigger and bigger. He pictured Joey finally too fat to shed all he’d gained, gut so big he had to lean back to balance it. His lips curled into a grin as he thought of Joey’s belly swelling, his shirt inching up his growing stomach, the jock finally panicked about growing so huge, his bigger and bigger gut pushing him right off the scale deck.

Then he shook his head hard to clear the image. But not before he thought it would serve Joey right to really blimp up, finally too fat to deny being a porker.

“Alright then. Tony, Brian, you each weigh about what you listed on this sheet”. The doctor shuffled to Joey’s release form. “It says here that you weigh 275, Joey? Sounds a bit low from the looks of you, but let’s get you weighed in to see.”

“Nah, Doc, 275 should be ‘bout right. It’s around my peak size from last season. Can’t imagine I’m bigger that than yet.” The doctor made a slight noise, eyebrow raised again.

Joey stepped on the scale with a thud and stood there, arms at his sides, fists on his hips. His gut actually bumped into the scale upright. When the cold metal hit the warm flesh at the front of his belly, Joey flinched a bit and kind of laughed. “Hmm, maybe I am over two and three quarters, huh?”

Brian had to shake the image of Joey’s ballooning belly out of his mind again.

The doctor said nothing and just tapped the scale’s counterbalance progressively up the level. 250. 260. 270. The bar didn’t even start to lift until 280, and even then, just a touch. 290. 295. 300. Now it was teetering. 301. 302. Almost. 303. 304. Still didn’t stick. 305. So close, but still the level remained unbalanced. The doctor’s eyebrows raised as he continued to tap. Finally, he stopped.

“Three hundred and eight pounds, young man.”

Joey grabbed the sides of his meaty belly, and Brian couldn’t resist chiming in.

“Holy shit! I told you that you were a hell of a lot fatter than last year. But damn! Over 300 pounds?! Doctor Lambert, do you even have enough pills to feed a guy that huge?”

Joey whirled around on the scale, and Brian took a leap back, ducking behind Tony.

“Well, we do indeed have all the pills needed for a guy at any weight. I know you seem quite intent on staying this size, Joey, but I have to suggest that maybe we cut back on your dose to get you to a leaner weight during the process of this experiment.”

Joey now spun in the doctor’s direction and looked ready to shout. “Okay, how many times to I need to say this?! I am gonna keep at this size until I get that division title. So I beefed up a little more than I realized, but man, I’m gonna be at full force for the final meets or else. Doc, if you want me to do this, you’re gonna have to keep me fed up to hold my weight. Looks like that’s 308.” In his head, Joey was also stunned at the scale’s reading. He rubbed his belly and thought, “Man, over 300. That is getting pretty damn big. I’ll have to run my ass off in a few weeks to shed this puppy.”

“Alright, young man. Since you’re willing to participate, I’ll work with you on this. But I am going to put you through an assessment after your final matches to see if we ought to cut down on your weight. From the scale’s reading and the look of your belly, I’d say you’re pushing a weight that might be hard to drop without some discipline, especially if this is how you eat regularly” The doctor again surveyed Joey’s three-day diet with a whistle. “But we’re on for now, and you’ll get a dosage to replicate this kind of caloric intake.”

And with that, the threesome was again off, this time with bottles of the food replacement pills and a label indicating their dosage, based on size. Needless to say, Joey’s had four bottles to Brian’s one, and his dosage prescribed not only higher pill quantities, but also extra “meals.” And the experiment began.

Preliminary Results

Tony was the last of the three up for class the next morning. He stood at the sink in their room, eyeing the bottle of pills, when Brian came back from the showers humming. “Checking out breakfast? I took my pills already. You?”

Tony filled a glass of water. “Not yet. Was just about to. Hey, where’s Joey?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. It’s definitely not like him to be up so early.”

Tony tossed the four prescribed pills on his mouth and washed them down. Just as he emptied his glass, the door flew open, and in bounded Joey.

“Aw, man, am I fucking stuffed! They had these awesome pancakes at the dining hall, and man did I pig out. Mmmmm. I think I got in a good two dozen. Oof. Feels like they’re expanding a bit in here.” He closed his eyes as he rubbed his big gut. Brian was stunned.

“Pancakes? Did you manage to forget that today is the start of the experiment? What part of no food did you not get?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My memory’s not that short, Mister Hall Monitor. I just decided to have one last meal, one big huge one, before I go in for the sentence here. I signed up for this thing. What else to you want from me?” Joey grabbed his bottle off the desk and dumped a fistful of pills into his hand. Tony spoke up too.

“Are you sure you ought to start with the pills today if you’ve eaten, buddy? Remember what that doctor said about mixing solid food with these things.”

“Yeah, whatever. I figure there can’t be much difference between starting after a nice man-sized breakfast or starting clean this morning after eating huge last night, right?” Before anyone could protest further, Joey had thrown a huge handful of pills into his mouth, heading for the sink to stick his head right under the faucet to wash them down.

“So how many of those does he have you taking?” Tony looked concerned. Joey stood up from the sink, cheeks full of water. With two exaggerated gulps, he swallowed them all.

“Ah, yes, breakfast of champions – NOT. I dunno. I think the bottle said 10 pills a dose, 6 times a day.”

Brian’s eyes widened. “Whoa. That’s over three times what he has me taking. Was that ten you just took?”

“Yeah, looked like it, I guess.”

Tony kind of winced. “Looks like it? Man, not to sound like Brian here, but I think you better be a little more exact about this, Joe.”

“Okay, Mister Nervous. Man, between the two of you I feel like I have the eating police after me. Shit.”

And with his usual bravado, Joey scooped up his books and headed to class, leaving Tony and Brian staring at each other.

Despite the hearty breakfast and first dose of pills, Joey was starving by 9:30. It was past time for the second dose, and Joey could hear and feel his stomach rumbling. The second his lecture ended, he dashed to the water fountain and pounded down the next ten or so pills. He went on to his next class, feeling no less satisfied. By 11:00, he felt ravenous. The next dose was to be taken at noon, but Joey didn’t think he’d make it. “Damn, he thought, I hate this already. I thought this shit was supposed to keep me from being hungry. This fucking sucks. I’m gonna kill Brian.”

His next class was at one. As he swaggered across compass, he thought how he would usually be parked at the dining hall now, putting down a big hearty lunch. Grumbling out loud, he dug the bottle out of his bag and counted out the next dose. “I’m taking it early. What difference can it make?” Ten pills sat in his hand by the time he reached the next water fountain. He counted this time. The big jock stooped over the basin and swallowed his next “meal.” He stood upright, looked down at his still rumbling belly and scowled. Then he looked at his watch. His entire afternoon was filled with back to back classes, followed almost immediately with wrestling practice. Joey reached back into his bag and reread the prescription label. Then he checked his watch again. “What the hell. Four doses now. Four over the rest of the day. Not like I’ll have time anyway.” Looking over his shoulder as if Brian were there to chastise him, Joey counted out the remainder of the day’s pills and swallowed them down. “Maybe this’ll make me less damn hungry.” And with that he lumbered into the next classroom.

His last lecture broke at 4:00, and Joey felt like he was going to pass out. He had to get over to the locker room by 4:30 for practice. He was utterly light headed as he stormed across campus to the athletic facility. He actually complained out loud, his grumbling turning a few heads as he stomped along. “I’m STARVING! I’m gonna kill Brian. MAN, I could eat a HORSE!” He grabbed his belly and thought about how much better it felt that morning, full of warm pancakes. The campus burger place sat in the building two up from the athletic facility. Joey paused in front of it and then gave in to his hunger pains. Charging the counter, he ordered five burgers and had them stuffed into his mouth before anyone could have stopped him. For the first time all day, he leaned back, starting to feel satisfied. “I knew this sounded too weird to be true. There’s no damn pill that can keep this gut full like a good burger.” With that, he headed to practice, ordering one more burger on the way out. “An even half dozen,” he thought as he ate and walked.

The roommates met back at the dorm around 7:00. Usually, this left them just enough time to dash off to the dining hall for dinner, but with the new routine, they all sat there looking at each other. Finally, Tony broke the silence. “Okay, I know the cash is big, but I gotta say this is a little weird. Did you guys really feel full and normal today? I mean, I wasn’t exactly hungry, but this is gonna take some getting used to.”

Brian obviously planned to fully support this endeavor, so he tried to appear as convinced as he was the day before. “I felt fine. Maybe I wasn’t full like when I eat three square meals a day, but I wasn’t really hungry.”

“Hmm.” Tony thought on it. “Yeah, I guess I wasn’t actually hungry, but it was bizarre not to eat anything all day.”

Joey was shocked to be the only one ravenously hungry. “Shit, well I was fucking staring all goddamn day! I could’ve eaten a cow!” He didn’t confess that he practically had. “If it keeps up like this, I may just bail out early, boys.”

Despite their hesitations after the first day, Brian talked Tony and Joey into giving it more time. The massive cash reward was indeed motivating each of them to stick it out. So the guys headed off to watch television and study for the rest of the night. Again, Joey’s stomach started rumbling. After an hour, he leaned over to Tony while Brian was in the bathroom. “Man, I am totally hugry again. Is your gut rumbling too, or is it just me?”

“Tell me about it. I can hear it from over here. Nah, buddy. I’m okay. This no eating thing is still a bit of a mind fuck, but if I think about it, I’m not actually hungry.”

“Ugh. I feel like my gut is gonna turn inside out here. Tonz, I gotta eat something or I’m gonna die. Cover for me. Tell our pal Brian I went for a walk. I’m finding some food before bed.”

Both boys scanned the room guiltily. When it was clear Brian was nowhere in sight, Joey dashed out of the dorm, making a beeline back to the burger counter. Realizing that the place was about to close for the night, he practically ran to the counter to get his order placed. Looking frantically over the menu, he was actually too hungry to even think clearly and focus on what he wanted. The guy behind the counter waited as the jock looked all over the board. “Shit, I dunno. I’m so damned hungry. Just give me a few of those combo deals. As many as you have.”

“As many as I have?” The guy turned to look at the rack behind him. “That would be about 12 orders? Having a little party?”

“Yeah, man, in my gut. I’ve never felt so hungry, and I’m gonna stuff burgers in here until I feel like myself again.”

“Uuuuh, okay then. Coming right up.” Looking a little befuddled, the little freshman stacked burgers and jumbo French fry orders onto two trays. “That’s everything I’ve got. It’s actually fifteen orders. You want the fifteen drinks too?” Joey was too distracted by his stomach pangs to register the sarcasm.

Instead he grabbed the tray, threw money on the counter and headed to the nearest table. He rammed a giant handful of fries into his mouth and started unwrapping the first burger as he walked. “Man, I don’t care. Gimme three or four I guess so I can wash this stuff down. I’ll be over there. Just be a pal and bring ‘em to me fast, huh?”

With that, Joey landed at the nearest table, stuffing the first burger in his mouth almost whole. While the drink cups filled, the kid watched the huge jock gorge at an amazing rate. He had never seen anyone eat so much so fast. Joey was shoving in burgers one after the other. He was practically licking the wrappers clean, stuffing a burger in his mouth with one hand while working to unwrap the next with his other. By the time his drinks were ready, he had already shoveled in seven burgers. He paused when the kid sat them on the table, sitting upright and grabbing his gut as he let out a groan. “Mmmmmm Starting to feel better. UUUURRRRRPP.” He ripped out a huge belch and pushed another burger into his mouth the second he caught his breath. Intent on eating as much as it would take to stop his bizarre hunger, he didn’t notice that this freshman was still standing there, staring.

The restaurant closed, with the last few students clearing out except the gorging jock and the shocked freshman. Joey remained engrossed, stuffing himself nonstop, only slowing when he had eaten all of the fries and was gulping down the thirteenth burger. As he opened up the fourteenth, he looked down at his belly. There was just a tiny space between its overfed curve and the table. Strangely, his hunger still didn’t feel fully satiated, but he was glad to finally have a full belly. Joey slowed to eat at a normal pace for the first time in thirty minutes.

The freshman’s fascination finally got the best of him. He’d never seen a guy eat so much in a sitting, and he was sure he could see Joey’s gut pushing out before his eyes. “You better take it easy or that belly of yours is going to wedge you in that booth.”

Joey startled a little. When he turned to look at the kid, his gut did in fact bump squarely into the table.

“Whoa. Oooo. Yeah, kinda full gut here I guess, but man did I need a big chow-down. Stupid food substitute. Who the hell thought that – ”

“So did you get enough to eat there? Or are you going for a record with the last two burgers?” Joey eyed the remaining helpings.

“Heh heh. Guess I made a pig of myself, but yeah. I needed all the burgers you had on hand tonight. My crazy roommate talked me into being some lab test rat for this food pill. Been taking it only one day, and I’ve never had such bad hunger pangs. I had to fill this belly up.”

“Well, looks like you ate enough for three days right there.”

“Mmm. Yeah. You know, I can eat pretty big, but even I gotta admit I’ve never stuffed in that much so fast.” He tapped the top of his belly with his meaty finger. “See, this experiment is totally nuts. I told him it wasn’t natural to only eat some freaking pill all day.”

The kid laughed. “Well, I need to lock up here. Want a bag for those last two?”

“That’s okay, man. I’ll eat ‘em on the way out. Thanks.”

Joey moved to stand, and his belly slammed into the table, sending him bouncing back into the seat. He caught himself, hoisting back to standing with his meaty arms. His gut stuck out like an over-inflated basketball, and he had to arch his back to offset the pull of his burger-laden belly. “Ooooo. Stuuuuffed. But man does that feel more like it.” And with shoulders back and hands rubbing his protruding belly, he waddled out with his ever-growing belly leading the way and one of the remaining burgers already in his mouth.

Soon, Joey was sneaking into their room, belly near bursting after managing to shove down the last two burgers on the walk back to the dorm. He rolled onto the bed, belly high in the air as he sprawled on his back. At last full and contented, he passed out, forearms leaning against the curve of his bulging gut, hands spread to grab its stuffed swell.

But the rest didn’t last long. By five a.m. he was wide-awake, stomach rumbling harder than ever. Befuddled, he decided to rouse and sneak some breakfast. He quietly slid on his sweats, grabbed his jersey and crept into the hall. After gently closing the door, he shoved both arms into his jersey and raised them to slip it over his head. Before his head made it through the neck opening, he jumped from a sudden slap on his gut. Popping his head through his shirt, he caught sight of Tony. “Where are you off to so early?”

“Shit, Tonz! You tryin’ to give me a heart attack? I thought Brian had busted me. I’m heading to the dining hall. I don’t get it, man. I’m so damn hungry again. I ended up eating until even I thought I was too stuffed last night, and this thing’s rumbling on me already.” He was caressing his belly as he talked. “I’m gonna clear a few plates of pancakes and see if a big old breakfast gets me through a day on these pills this time.”

“Are you still taking them if you’re eating?”

“Yeah. Well. Heh. Actually, I think I took about four days’ worth yesterday. I know. I know.” Joey made a voice like a child. “No eating with these things. Take the exact dose.” He tugged at his jersey, trying to stretch it over his belly. “But man, I’m bigger than you are. I think that doc musta messed up my dosage if I’m still hungry and you guys are fine. I pounded down fistfuls of those things, and I still had to eat a ton to shake the hunger. I really want the payout on this deal, but I’m not gonna make it if I don’t eat something too. I’m just gonna sneak a few meals, take the pills, keep Brian from busting me, and collect the cash. But you gotta help cover for me, Tonz. Cool?”

Tony sighed. Joey’s eyes pleaded with him. Then they both heard Joey’s belly rumble, sounding like a subway passing under them. Joey’s hands flew to grab his gut’s bulge, which was still jutting out from last night’s eating, despite his ever-present hunger.

“Uuggh. See, man! Listen to those hunger pangs. You know I need to eat more than you guys do, especially during wrestling season. Don’t bust me man. I’m going to the mess hall.”

And with that Joey waddled off. Tony watched him walk away. He could see the sides of Joey’s belly to either side of his back, and he could see how the holes in the jersey fabric were distorting. “Wow, can that guy eat. That jersey isn’t going to cover his belly for long,” Tony thought.

And again, Joey was stuffing himself. He was practically the first person to the dining hall, and he still couldn’t wait to get seated and eating. He was grabbing doughnut after doughnut off the serving line, stuffing one in his mouth as he asked for a triple order of pancakes and as many eggs as would fit on the plate. When he reached for the collection of plates, the base of his belly leaned firmly into his tray, tipping it up and almost launching food right into his gut. He caught it in time, realizing he needed to turn sideways so that his belly stayed out of the way. For the first time, Joey worried that he was getting too big. But his hunger was so blinding, it overran his flash of concern. He sat as close to the kitchen line as he could, gorging down every last mouthful of food at record pace. His jersey strained to its absolute limit when he stood up, looking ready to finally bust right up the sides. The line server looked surprised when Joey came back, asking for a duplicate order. He took all the plates to the table and then returned to the line, grabbing the entire pan of doughnuts and taking it with him. His crazed look warded off any comment, but everyone stared as he waddled back to his feast, belly bouncing from side to side with each heavy step.

And there he sat, eating and eating and eating for two hours solid, putting away more food than seemed humanly possible. In the back of Joey’s mind, he did start to wonder. “Why am I so damn hungry? Something’s not right here.” But then his stomach rumbled, begging for more attention. So he ate on. At last, he stood to leave. Letting out a low moan, he set one hand on the top of his belly, feeling the tight bulge where the pounds and pounds of food he had gorged down sat. He leaned back toward his tray and grabbed a glass of juice, thinking “Oh yeah, my official breakfast. Almost forgot.” He gulped down a fistful of pills, probably 30. He let out a belch so loud that he didn’t hear the two stitches pop on each side of his shirt. He lumbered off to class, hoping the feast would cure his hunger. “If that doesn’t get me through to lunch, I don’t know what will!”

But he wasn’t satisfied for long. Halfway through class, the massive hunger pangs resumed. “What the hell? I ate more at breakfast than I ever have, and I’m fucking hungry again?” Trying to bend around his bloated belly, Joey reached down for his bag. After stretching his stomach to accommodate such a massive breakfast, he could barely bend in the middle. He was grunting and groping to catch the bag’s strap, but his gut pushed firmly into the narrow desk, holding him upright and keeping his bag a foot out of reach. Finally, the girl next to him bent down to hand it to him. She eyed his belly and smirked. He just took the bag and muttered. “Yeah, thanks. Appreciate it.” She turned her attention back to the professor. Joey rumaged through the bag and extracted the pill bottle. The girl looked back at the rattle, and Joey sheepishly worked to open it without more noise. Realizing he had nothing to drink, he starting eyeing the girl’s Diet Coke. “Psst. Hey. Don’t think this is too weird, but I gotta take some medicine here. Can I talk you outta that soda?” Becoming annoyed, the girl looked at him and blinked

“Yeah, if it quiets you down over there. Here. There’s only half left though.”

“Aw. Thanks. You have no idea.”


“Yeah, gotcha.”

Joey didn’t even attempt to count a dose. He just threw the bottle to his lips, filling his mouth with pills and gulping them down with soda. Then he refilled his mouth a second time for good measure, emptying the pill bottle and the soda, thinking this had to stop the hunger that was killing him. Stifling a carbonated burp, he settled back into his chair, belly firmly pressed into his desk and curving up onto it. “Man, I hate diet soda.” The girl almost laughed.

But he was only okay for about twenty minutes. And then the rumbling started again, even deeper than before. He looked at the clock. Five more minutes of class. The rumbling grew audibly. The girl looked over from across the aisle. “Are you okay there?” Even louder rumbling. “Shit, I have NO idea.” Joey was grabbing his belly hard for the last few minutes, trying to stop the noise and trying desperately not to jump out of his chair to get more food.

The second class broke, Joey was raced directly to the dining hall, moving as quickly as his girth would allow. He was so hungry! Not able to think past the pangs in his stomach, now so bad that he could barely see straight, he stormed the cafeteria door, only to find it locked. “Fuck! They’re not open yet?!” He looked through the door’s window and started pounding. A kid came up to the other side and yelled that they opened “in an hour, like every day, big guy.”

Exasperated and baffled at his growing hunger, Joey charged back to the burger counter at the student hall. Once again, he told them to fill a few trays with as much food as they would hold. Soon he had slammed mounds of burgers onto a table and was stuffing himself as fast as he could. The hunger seemed unrelenting. Joey ate enough in three hours to throw the entire defensive line into a food coma, but his stomach just craved more, giving the fattened-up jock no choice but to eat and eat and eat. His belly was pushing out at record rate, bulging up so tight and huge, making him look like he’d pop if someone poked him too hard.

Working hard to balance himself, with his dangerously full belly sitting high and huge from the ceaseless gorging, he waddled back up to the counter to reload. He was dazed from the pounds of food he had gorged down, but that hunger was still there. Eyes half shut, he asked for another two trays’ worth of food.

“Back again? Trying to top you own record here, or what?”

Joey opened his eyes to see the freshman from last night. He had been there eating for so long, the shift had changed behind the counter.

“Look, I don’t mean to offend you, but you look about 15 months pregnant there, and I’m honestly afraid your belly is going to explode if you take another tray of food. I’m not trying to piss you off or anything, but – ”

“Uuuggghhh.” Joey just moaned. He was too full to even talk, completely confused by his body’s signals as the hunger raged when his belly felt beyond stuffed. “Just …a… few … more. Fuck, I’m gonna split.”

“Buddy – what’s your name anyway? – I think you ought to sit down and rest that thing.”

“J-J-Joey.” He was so stuffed he could barely breathe. “I’m still – oooooo –hungry. Just gimme – URRRRRRPPP – Ahhhhh – a few more.”

The freshman felt the belch across the counter and swore he head a seam popping.

“Joey, huh. Tom here. Man, you don’t look good. Let’s get you out of here. I don’t want to be blamed if you blow that thing on my shift.”

Tom came around the counter and started to lead Joey toward the door. Joey was so stuffed he could barely stand, let alone walk. Tom had to tuck his shoulder up under the jock’s armpit to keep him moving, reaching his arm around Joey’s back and gripping his bloated love handle to brace himself as they shuffled along. But they didn’t make it far before Joey started shutting down. He stopped where he stood and grabbed his belly. His meaty arms looked dwarfed up against the growing sphere of his gut. He let out another belch, which at least made it easier for him to breathe. “I gotta lay down, man. I don’t know … if I’m too – stuuuffed – to walk … or if I … need more … .chow. I think this thing is still rumbling!”

“Okay, follow me. Man, how much did you eat??” The pendulous swing of Joey’s gut served as the answer. “You can’t possible think you’re going to eat more!”

Tom guiding Joey to a remote storage room, and he stumbled into the room and dropped to sitting against a table. It creaked dangerously under his weight. Tom closed the door and turned to look at the food-dazed jock. With thick legs spread wide, Joey was slowly shifting forward and back, holding his gut, trying to find a position that eased the pressure on his belly, totally unable to stop groaning. He finally just laid all the way back, dropping his back against the table, leaving his legs dangling. As his back hit with a thud, his over-stuffed belly rose into that air in a giant curve that made Tom’s eyes pop. All he could see where legs and belly.

“Holy shit. You look like someone blew up the Goodyear blimp in there.”

Joey just groaned more, gut too full to tolerate a prone position. He started flailing his legs while lifting his head to eye his towering belly. He looked around it to Tom as he tried to swing his legs up onto the table. “Man, help me out here!” Tom reached down to help hoist Joey’s legs up. With a moan of relief, the overfed stud smacked his feet flat on the table, knees bent and canted out to each side to clear his belly. And there he laid, hands gently rubbing the tight sides of his belly in a vain attempt at comfort. He shut his eyes and whispered, “just lemme rest for a while.”

Tom left Joey to pass out on the desk and returned to his shift. As he clicked off the light, all he saw was the outline of a beach ball belly blocking the view of the stock shelves beyond. “Just let yourself out when you’re ready, Joey. No one comes back here very often, so you should be left alone for a while. Though I think it’s going to take a few hours for that belly of yours to relax.”

Tom heard the start of snores as headed back to complete his shift.

The Big Feed

Five days later, Tom’s nightly shift ended after what seemed like days. The dinner rush had been abnormally busy. “The dining hall must’ve had a terrible meal,” he thought as he eyed the clock, hoping he could make a dash for the door before he was caught by the late night wave. Just as he was about to leave, the line cook hollered for some mayonnaise. “Okay, I’ll grab you some before I take off.” Tom checked the kitchen cooler, but it was out too. With a sigh, he made a dash for the remote stockroom. For the first time since the other night, he though of Joey, wondering how long the fat jock hung around sleeping off his feeding frenzy. Suddenly he felt a little guilty about letting Joey into the storeroom, but then he shrugged his shoulders. It was no one’s office, and they only rarely came back here to refill the kitchen’s main pantries and coolers with bulk foods. What was the harm?

He unlocked the stockroom door and thought he heard something from inside. The room was mostly dark, but when Tom poked his head in, he saw a glow of light coming from the back corner of the room, behind several rows of shelves. “Ah, someone left the freezer door open”, he thought. He stepped in, shut the door and flipped on the light.

“What the -??”

The place was a wreck. Empty food packages littered the floor. Someone had opened up box after box of food, leaving the remains strewn everywhere. Kicking it all out of his way, wondering what happened, he headed up the outer aisle toward the freezer. The usually orderly rows of packages to either side looked as though a wild bear had ravaged through. When he got to the back of the room, he stopped in his tracks.

There laid the overfed jock, asleep in front of the open freezer with empty ice cream tubs to each side of his belly, which was now, miraculously, puffed out even bigger than before. Joey was still holding one of the five-gallon ice cream containers with one hand. Chocolate fudge ripple was smeared around the edges of his half-open mouth. He was listing to one side like a beached whale. His belly was so huge it prevented him from rolling completely onto his side. The arm gripping the bucket lay outstretched, above his belly. The side of his bulging gut pressed hard against the floor, pinned down by its own overfed mass, counter-weighting his torso so that his opposite shoulder hung in the air. His knees were bent and his thighs pulled to the side of his huge gut, pressed into the underside of his belly. His other hand, also dripping with ice cream, rested on the hefty topside of his gut. It looked like he had been shoving ice cream into his mouth by the handful until he passed out, clutching his near-bursting belly. His expression still showed how stuffed he must have felt when he stopped gorging and passed out.

Tom stood stunned for a few minutes. He looked back at the empty packages strewn across the room and tried to figure how all that food could possible fit into one guy’s belly. Even if Joey had eaten every minute of the last five days, it just didn’t seem possible. Then he looked back at the size of the gut tipping toward the floor in front of him and thought again. Tentatively reaching out, he gingerly pressed his fingers into Joey’s belly. Joey’s gut was packed tight, barely giving when Tom pushed. The fed-up jock didn’t move. Tom poked him a few more times. Nothing. He finally slapped Joey’s belly with three taps like he was dribbling a basketball. Tom wasn’t sure if the prodding or the deep thumping sound actually woke Joey, but his eyelids, still heavy, finally dragged open.

“Mmmmmmm. Oh man. Got hungry – again – and again. I had to – ooof – nap it – mmmm – off.”

“Joey. Man, what happened in here? You look like you’ve been eating for weeks. Are you okay? I mean, this belly looks ready to – ”

Joey finally came to and tried to sit up. With a load grunt, he tried to twist his body back into alignment. “Fuck! What the hell – errrooooff.” He had to throw his legs three times before he could tip his back, beefy butt and legs flat on the floor. He looked up and seemed as shocked as Tom at the size of his gut. It rounded up and out as though a massive sphere sat on his torso. “Whoa!! What the? Man, I made a pig outta – UURP – guess I ate way too-oooo-oooooof.”

He looked like he was trying to do crunches, but his head only got so far before his big pecs bumped into the top of his belly, knocking his head back to the floor. Every one of his movements was lethargic. “Shit, man, help me up here!”

Tom was no wimp, but this was a big challenge. He shoved his arms down under Joey’s back and tried, with the jock’s help, to hoist him up to a sitting position. But Joey’s belly was way too blown up to allow it. Breaking into a sweat, Tom made Joey rest for a second. Hold on. “Let’s try it this way.” He put all of his strength behind one of Joey’s beefy shoulders and rolled him back onto his side. Tom got down on the floor behind Joey’s back and starting shoving harder, trying to roll him onto his belly. “Come on! Help me out!!”

“I am, damn it. I’m just so fucking fat and full here.”

They both grunted and groaned until Joey was finally rolled up onto hands and knees. His shirt had ridden all the way up into his chest, and Joey flinched when his bare belly grazed the concrete floor. He had to arch his back up a good few inches to get it off the ground. Anyone with a less muscled torso would have been pulled to the floor by the weight of that belly. Joey was panting from the effort, and his stomach swelled in and out with each huge breath. After another brief rest, he yelled for help again. Exhausted, Tom looked at him dumbly.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Well shit, I dunno. Get that table over here.”

Tom rushed over and dragged the table toward Joey. “Over here. Ooof.” His gut hit the floor again as he talked. “Get it right in front of me.” Tom slid it up parallel to Joey’s shoulders. Looking like he was about to hoist himself out of a pool, Joey brought his hands up to the table. Leaning squarely on his belly, he got into push-up position, arms bent, hands under his shoulders, legs pulled up as close as possible to his blimped-up belly. He grunted and started pressing. His thick arms bulged. With a howl of sheer strength, he slowly raised himself until his entire body was angled, half upright. His forehead turned red until he managed to get his arms fully straight, but his belly was sticking out far too much. Even with his arms extended and quivering to support him, from this angle, his belly still stuck out just enough to prevent his navel from clearing the table’s edge.

He gave in for a second, letting his gut shove into the lip of the table as he panted. He then shuffled his thick legs further in under his gut, and with a roar, he worked to jerk himself upright. His gut came a few inches off the table, and then dropped back down, too weighted by the pounds and pounds of food still in there. With a look of sheer determination, he sucked in his gut and then blasted his arms out as far as they would go, puffing his belly out to full-blown size at the same time. From the combined force, he bounced to standing, leaning way back, attempting to balance the massive belly arcing out in front of him. As his arms fell to grip his rotund stomach, he started stumbling backwards, tipping too far from the momentum. Tom rushed behind him, bracing himself as if a redwood tree was about to fall on him. Joey’s mass blasted hard into Tom. He hunkered down and with all his might pushed back, trying to keep Joey standing. After nearly crushing Tom, Joey rocked upright but then started to tip forward again. Led by the weight of his tremendous belly, he stumbled away from Tom. Legs tensing, he steered himself toward the table and landed his belly hard on its surface. With a huge crash, he came to a stop, belly covering half the table, which was quivering from the impact. He let out a huge groan, and his head slumped forward, his arms around his belly and leg muscles pulsing to hold him in place.

Tom stood breathless, staring at Joey’s girth in total disbelief. “Have you been eating in here nonstop since the other night??”

“Uh huh the jock moaned. I’ve been so fucking starving! I – had – to – urp – make the – uuurrp – hunger – stop.”

The rumbling started again. Tom circled Joey like a moon around a planet, moving in and touching his belly like it were an exhibit at the science museum.

“Bring me – mmm – that bag.” Joey pointed to the nearest bag of food.

“You gotta be kidding. You’ll explode all over this room if you stuff anything else in there. You’ve already eaten half the – ”


Tom jumped, grabbing the bag of hamburger buns and tossing them toward Joey like he was a caged animal. Still leaning on his belly, Joey tore open the bag and started shoving buns into his mouth. Talking around mouthfuls, he asked Tom a favor.

“You gotta – mmph – help me – umph – out.” Joey polished off the bag of buns in no time, convincing Tom as he ate to go tell his roommates that he had left town for some final wrestling practice. When Tom hesitated, Joey did his best to work his grin. “Look at me man. Something’s totally – mmphmf – wrong in my – oooo – gut. Fucking mmm-umm-mmm Brian! I don’t know what else to -mmm – do but – mmffmph – eat until this eases – gulp, ugh – up. I’m SO hungry – uuuuggh – it HURTS. Come on! Where else am I gonna go like this??” Tom eyed Joey’s growing belly and had to agree. So he left Joey, with his gut inching across the table as he kept eating and eating, to go fake like he was on the wrestling team with Joey, grab a bag of clothes, and get back to check on the jock and his swelling stomach.

The Discovery

Both Tony and Brian eyed Tom with suspicion when he showed up unannounced. Joey had never gone for off-site team training, and they both had been all over campus asking about him for days. But Tom told a good story, and they ended up believing that Joey was obsessed enough with the final meet to hide out for last minute training without bothering to tell anyone. “Yeah. He’s been training like a mad.” Training for an eating contest, Tom thought! “He just sent me to pick up some more stuff for him.” Tony agreed to load up a bag for Tom, though he still thought it odd that Joey didn’t come to pack it himself. “Yeah, I was sent for him. Freshman hazing, you know. They treat us like slaves first year on the team,” Tom claimed. Tony studied him closely. As Tom finally turned to go, anxious to escape, Brian called him back.

“Hey, don’t forget this. Joey promised me he’d see this experiment through.” Brian mistook Tom’s shocked look. “Oh. Just remind him to take his pills every day, huh? His blood test is in three weeks.”

And finally Tom was free, dashing back to the stockroom. To his utter amazement, Joey was still eating away. He had managed to turn, leaning his beefy butt on the sagging table, his belly launching straight out from under his pecs a good few feet before bowing downward. He was resting a huge can on the top of his belly, shoveling up handfuls of its contents right into his mouth. “Found your can opener. Now I can work on this row,” nodding to the row of canned food as he chewed.

“Joey, I think you ought to have someone check you out. Besides, I’m going to get in serious trouble of you get caught clearing out – ”

“Imma mphmnem ummahmmooo.”

With his words totally muffled by the fistfuls of food crammed in his mouth, Joey sounded like a complete pig, grunting with its face in a trough. Tom finally figured out that Joey wanted more food from the burger line. Since the place was closing, Tom figured he could sneak the remaining burgers if it would get Joey out of there. He slid out, making sure everyone had left, and came back with several dozen burgers. Still stuffing himself, Joey signaled for Tom to start unwrapping them. Tom kind of crept toward Joey, holding the first burger out to him. Joey just turned toward Tom, closing his eyes and opening his mouth. He just waited for Tom to stuff the burger in his mouth for him, rubbing his pendulous stomach. Tom slowly moved it toward Joey’s expectant mouth, flinching once he chomped down as if he’d lose his hand. Grunting and chewing, Joey opened one eye when Tom wasn’t there with the next burger. Before he knew what happened, Tom was standing, leaning into Joey’s gut, shoving burger after burger into his craving mouth, feeling the jock’s belly swell up dangerously bigger as he fed him. Six gone. Ten. Twenty. Joey’s belly shoved out harder and fuller as he continued to gorge. Tom was pushed so far back it made it hard to reach Joey’s mouth. Between Joey’s height and the ballooning belly between them, Tom had to strain on tiptoes to feed the engorged wrestler the last dozen burgers. Finally stuffed to capacity for a bit, Joey leaned back, pulling Tom’s feet off the floor and lifting him up with his belly. Tom wriggled back to the floor, sliding across the expansive curve he’d been made to feed for the past two hours. It was tight as a drum, packed solid to the very bursting point. Tom took a few steps back, taking in the full swell of the inflated Jock’s belly. Joey was, for a moment, contentedly moaning, hands rubbing the outer sides of his pendulous belly.

And it went on like that for another three and a half weeks. Joey ate night and day, gripped in a constant feeding frenzy by his totally unnatural hunger. Tom, horribly afraid of being caught hiding the wrestling star and somehow being blamed for his bloated condition, became very attentive to Joey’s appetite. He checked in to make sure he was okay between classes, making sure he had tons of food within arms reach. He made sure the kitchen was always stocked so that no one else came back to the hideout, and he helped feed Joey’s ever-growing belly, hoping the bizarre hunger would ebb so he could get him out of there. This drug induced hunger couldn’t possibly last forever, and if he helped feed the jock like a growing prize hog, stuffing him as much as was possible, he just had to break out of the hunger cycle sooner rather that later. As he helped Joey eat himself into oblivion each day, he hoped this would be the one when the jock hoisted himself up and lumbered away, finally having choked down enough food to catch up with the seemingly endless appetite. But Joey’s belly swelled and swelled, easily ballooning up to a good four feet out in front of him. Tom wondered just how much Joey had gained. And he wondered what kind of trouble he could get in if caught as an accomplice to this bizarre circumstance.

His fear of getting caught came to a head one afternoon as Tony zoomed toward the burger counter, eyes locked on Tom.

“Alright, kid, what’s the deal? Where’s Joey – REALLY?”

“W-whadya mean?” Tom stammered as his face flushed.

“You tell me! His wrestling coach called our room today, saying that Joey hasn’t been seen at practices in nearly three weeks. He says he’s willing to let Joey wrestle even though he’s blown off practice only because he’s his heavyweight star, but he’ll have to boot him from the team if he doesn’t show by three o’clock. The final meets start this afternoon, and if Joey’s not on the mat for the first one, it’s over. So where the hell is he?!”

“I, uh, he, um.”

“Spit it out kid! What’s going on??”

Tony shook his leg impatiently. “Come out with it, already.”

Tom opened the door and pulled Tony inside. Tony let out a long whistle. “Holy shit! What on earth – what’s he been – how – ?” He stammered to a stop.

Tom gravely led Tony to the storeroom door. “Look, I don’t know what caused this. He said he took some pills – I guess the ones your other roommate gave me – and it had this effect on him.”

The two of them stood staring at Joey. He was laying on the floor, belly absolutely mammoth. After nearly five weeks of ceaseless eating, his gut rose so high that neither of them could see past it. Tom slowly walked around his friend’s mountain of a gut to see his head resting on the floor with a kitchen funnel plugged in his mouth. On the edge of the table above him, a bucket of pudding dripped the last of its fattening vanilla goo down into the funnel with a plop. Joey gulped it down, then slowly pulled the funnel from his lips. He was again too stuffed to talk beyond a hushed whisper. “Tonz. Look at what he did to me, man. Brian’s fucking pills made me too damn hungry. Couldn’t do anything but eat and eat and eat and … eat … . ERRUUURRRRP.”

Tony knelt down next to his buddy, putting one hand on top of his gut and still staring at its towering mass with amazement.

“Joe. Your coach called. He wants you at the meet today or you’re off the team. You mean to say you’ve been holed up in here doing nothing but eating for the last three and a half weeks?” He shot a look at Tom, aiming the question as much at him. Tom nodded and Joey groaned.

“Come on man. We gotta get you to see that doctor. We were due to get weighed in tomorrow anyway.” Again he surveyed Joey’s blown up physique. “Shit, and I was going to ask for more pills ‘cause I’ve lost five pounds. Brian’s been dropping weight too. But not you! Man, Joey, you’ve done it this time. That guy warned us it could be bad if you ate with those things. But holy shit, I bet he never figured on this!” He patted the top of Joey’s belly as punctuation.

Tom and Tony were soon struggling to hoist Joey off the floor. They backed the table up behind Joey, letting him reach back to push up as they each got into squat position under his arms. After several minutes of straining, Joey was finally standing, slowly waddling toward the door, his huge belly leading the way. Tom and Tony had to step aside when they got to the door, guiding Joey so that his gut just barely cleared the door jam.

People who passed couldn’t help but stare as the bloated jock stepped heavily toward the door. But he wasn’t waddling back toward their dorm. Tony stepped beside him and tried to ask what Joey was doing without attracting any more attention.

“Where are you going buddy? This way, yeah? Man.” He looked around him. “Has all that eating gotten to you?”

“I’m going to the locker room man.”


“Headed to the meet. It’s just some extra poundage. I gotta win that final match. Brian’s not gonna blow that for me.”

“Joey, buddy, there’s no way. Look at you! You look like that doc fed you a beach ball. We gotta get you over to see him so he can fix this mess.”

Joey kept lumbering in the direction of the athletic facility. “I’m going to finals, Tonz. Set up an appointment for when I get back.” Tom stopped in exasperation. “And tell Brian he’s a fucking dead man!” And with that, Joey hauled himself out of the food hall.

The Antidote

Tony couldn’t get back to their room fast enough. After ripping Tom a new one for not telling him what was going on with Joey, Tony paced the room crazily waiting for Brian. His head was spinning. He’d never seen a guy pack on so much weight so fast. He couldn’t get the sight of Joey out of his head. His nerves were totally rattled. What is this happened to them too when they finally ate something? What if Joey’s belly stayed blown up that huge for good? He’d be too fat for football. Shit, he’s probably already too fat for wrestling. This time, Joey was going to flatten Brian for good, probably with his stomach.

Tony kept pacing, looking at his watch, getting more and more tense as he watched the door for Brian. “I gotta calm down,” he thought. Not even thinking straight to connect it to the effects of solid food in his best friend, Tony gave in and grabbed a beer from the fridge. He drained it quickly as he circled the room for another half-hour before Brian showed.

Nonchalantly flopping on the couch, Brian started right in. “Okay, so I saw the doctor today. He just gave us a few extra pills to prevent us from loosing more weight. Hmph. He gave me two bottles for Joey, though I don’t think I’ll give it to him. He needs to drop a few, no matter what he says.”

Tony snorted. “More than you know, idiot.”

Brian startled, more used to that tone from Joey than Tony. Then he spotted the empty beer bottle in Tony’s hand.

“What the hell is that, Tony? You know better than that. I’d expect Joey to violate every requirement of this experiment, but you ought to – ”

“Shut up, man!” Tony squatted down in front of Brian, grabbing the back of the couch to either side of his head and pulling his face in closer as he talked.

“You have NO idea what you’ve gotten us into here, have you? I thought you and that doctor of yours vowed this had been tested!” His glare was making Brian nervous.

“Yeah. He did. You heard him yourself. It’s – ”

“Well he CLEARLY didn’t work out all the bugs. You’re not going to believe what happened to Joey. He hasn’t been at goddamn wrestling practice. He’s been hiding out, stuffing himself like a prize pig because of what you talked us into.”

“He’s been – he’s been eating since this started? Well, huh. What a moron. We were distinctly told not to – ”

“Yeah yeah YEAH! I know. But you know how Joey is, and you shouldn’t’ve gotten him into this unless you knew damn well what that quack doc of yours was testing. Once he started eating, he couldn’t stop, and you should SEE the SIZE of him. It looks like someone blew him up like an air balloon.”

Brian started to laugh. He remembered envisioning Joey’s belly ballooning up during their initial check-in. “You know, serves him right. He’s been stuffing himself like a prize pig all semester anyway. Then he goes and completely ignores what he was told, and it’s somehow my fault that his gut swells up a little more as the side effect? I actually think it’s kind of poetic justice.”

Tony had no patience for Brian’s snide comments. He reached out for Brian’s neck and shoved him back into the couch. “You little arrogant shit. I’m not talking a little bit of a gut. His belly is fucking IMMENSE. He could barely balance that thing. And he said to make sure you knew you were a dead man when he gets back. And if you’re gonna react like this, then I might just take care of you for him.”

Tony was about to pop Brian when he doubled over, grabbing his gut. Moaning and falling to his knees, he let Brian go and held onto his stomach with both hands. “Oh man. I feel weird. Uuugh.” And before their eyes, Tony’s belly started to swell. Little by little, for the next five minutes, his gut bulged out like an inflating basketball, literally rounding out and pushing forward, not stopping until Tony suddenly sported a six-inch deep ball gut. Brian finally looked worried.

“Oh god. The beer. It must have reacted in your stomach. Oh shit. Oh shit. Tony, I – ”

“See what I mean! So now picture what Joey must look like if this happens to me after one lousy beer.” He got up off the floor, swaying until he balanced his newly formed belly. “Now Brian, I mean it! You get your ass back to that doctor right now and find out how to cure this mess. I’m going to find Joey. He seems to think he can still wrestle like nothing’s going on. NOW GET GOING!!”

The Meet

Joey lumbered across campus as quickly as his overfed build would allow. Each step sent his gut swinging in a huge arc out in front of him. He set his shoulders back to balance the weight, holding each side of his belly to lessen its momentum as it bounced heavily from side to side. He slowed as he approached the gym, growing nervous about what his coach and team would say when they saw him.

Even Joey couldn’t deny being an immense porker at this size. But he was determined to finish out his best season ever with a win, no matter what. “I’m just gonna walk – er, waddle – in there like nothing has changed since my last meet, nail this qualifying match, and then go beat the crap out of Brian for getting me into this.”

But serious butterflies wrenched his stomach as he approached the locker room door. Joey had never gotten nervous before a match. His cocky side always came out. But what if he was actually too damn huge to move quickly and gets toppled? What if that ever-present hunger started again? What if Coach wouldn’t even let him wrestle?


“Ah shit. That’s all I need. More fucking hunger pangs to blow my focus.” Taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the hunger, he whipped open the door, ready to get blasted for his absence and protruding belly.

But no one was there. Everyone was already out in the gym warming up. “Shit, I better haul ass before I miss everything,” he thought. His nervousness only worsened as he opened his locker and pulled out his singlet, comparing it to the girth of his gut. With his belly now impossible to see beyond, Joey had to dangle the singlet around his stomach by the shoulder straps and work blindly to get his feet through the leg openings. After a few stumbles, he managed to step into it and wriggle his thick legs and beefy ass into the tight fabric. “Damn, good thing these pups stretch.” But he only had it on up to his waist. He looked down at the huge curve of the belly, wondering if his uniform would really be able to cover it. He started tugging, getting the straps up to his elbows, feeling the hard pull of the straining fabric as it hugged the bulge of his gut. He was incredibly nervous now. How could he go out there if he was too damn fat to even wedge himself into his uniform?! With a major exertion, he yanked until the straps finally slid over his broad shoulders. His gut, just barely contained by the lycra, looked like an overstuffed sausage. The incredible tightness made it hard to exhale all the way.

“Okay, man, nothing you can do about this belly now. You just gotta walk out there and pin this guy. You can do it. Don’t take any shit. Nothing’s different but a few extra pounds.”

But then his stomach rumbled again. He slowly headed for the gym, pausing at the coach’s office door to take a deep breath. Another shot of gut wrenching hunger. Joey stared at his gut, honestly amazed at his own size.

“Shit, any more food and my belly will blow this uniform wide open.” He gripped his ball gut, like he would Brian when he pisses him off. “I’M JUST NOT FEEDING YOU.”

But then he saw it. Coach usually did this during finals, and he was prepared as always. A table heaped with sandwiches and a tub of iced beers stood in the corner of his office. If the team won the first round of matches after weeks of intense practice, the coach always gave them a break after the meet. Joey had a sandwich stuffed in his mouth before he could rethink it. Then he was on the second, the third, fourth, fifth. Panicked that his hunger would ruin his concentration during the meet, he took twenty more minutes and stuffed down a third of the tray. His gut pushed out as much as it could in his painfully tight uniform. If he could even see the front of his belly, he would have noticed the fabric straining to paper-thin.

With a grunt, he forced himself to stop eating. “Okay. Can’t miss the start. Might as well face the music.” He eyed the beers. “Ah shit, what can it hurt? This big gut can absorb it. One will just calm my nerves.” He ripped off the cap and drained the bottle. He pounded a second one for good measure, sighing as his nerves finally eased. He squared his shoulders, which shoved his belly out in full glory, and waddled out into the arena.

The team was busy warming up, paired out across the gym. Joey lumbered up to the corner of the first mat and took a deep breath. He set his legs apart to support himself and tipped his gut toward the mat as he tried to get into a starting stance. He hugged his belly and prepared to wrestle.

“Okay guys, one of you has to help me warm up here. I’ve missed a few weeks and gotta get ready here fast. Don’t want to pull any muscles.”

His two teammates froze at the sight of him. Too stunned to talk, one dropped to the mat with a thud, gape jawed and wide eyes. The other found his voice. “J-J-Joey?? What in the hell happened to you buddy?? I didn’t even recognize you.” He inched toward Joey like he was a bomb about to explode. “Where in the hell have you been? Coach has been asking all of us about you. We thought you flew the coop. Looks more like you ate the entire farm!” He was up next to Joey’s side, touching his gut in utter amazement. “Is – is – this thing for REAL??”

The guy moved around to the front edge of the gut separating them. Joey couldn’t even see him from the chest down. He could only feel the guy’s hand pressing into his belly.

“Whoa, you’re gonna split this uniform if you exhale too hard. It’s yanked so tight I can make out your belly button, Joey-boy. Man, what the fuck have you been eating to pack on this much weight? You know this is wrestling finals, not some eating contest, right??” The other wrestler overcame his shock, started to chuckle and chimed in.

“Joe, dude, you look like someone drained and oil tanker of beer in there. You tryin’ to fatten up to feed a small country or somethin’?” The two of them burst into laughter.

“Man, when Coach said heavyweight class, he didn’t mean fucking SUMO, Fatboy!” The guy was now swatting Joey’s belly, looking back at his pal. “Man, you gotta feel this thing. It’s hard as a rock.” He spread his arms out as far as they would go and clamped them around Joey’s belly. “Holy shit! I can’t even reach around him.” Encased in his ultra-tight unitard, Joey’s belly looked like a perfectly spherical lycra balloon. It dwarfed his teammate, who was lifting and dropping Joey’s belly like a giant bouncing ball.

“Fuck, Joey, we had a few kegs left over from a party last weekend. Wish we had you around Sunday night to drain ‘em off.”

“Yeah. Dude, looks like there’s enough room in this monster for at least four of ‘em, keg and all!”

“Joey! Hanson, Jones, back off!”

All three of them jumped at the stern yell from their coach.

He stormed up to Joey and stopped right in front of his gut. He set his hands on his hips and whistled, surveying the endless curve of his star wrestler’s stunning stomach.

“What on EARTH have you DONE to yourself?”

“Coach, I – I can explain. My roommate hooked me into this experi – ”

“Damn it, Joe. I’ve always cut you extra slack because you nail every opponent when you have a little extra meat on you, but now you’ve done it.” Coach leaned right into Joey’s belly and glared into his eyes. “Now, at the start of finals, I’ve got a hole in my roster because you’ve gone and blown yourself up too damn huge to even compete!”

“But coach! You gotta let me wrestle. I mean – I – I know I put on a few extra – Shit – I couldn’t help it – Brian – the pills – I got SO hungry – killer hunger, Coach. I just couldn’t stop – ”

“I don’t know WHAT you’re babbling about, but you might as well head back to the locker room, Big Boy. You’ve eaten yourself right over the weight limit. I’m certain of that!”

“Aw, Coach, come on – please. At least let me weigh in. I gotta finish out the season. See what the ref says, huh? You just gotta -”

“No point. You’ve blown it, Fatso. Seems like it was more important to you to ditch practices and gorge yourself into oblivion, and you’re obviously too huge now to fall within weight. Hell, you were practically peaked out before you disappeared on me to feed yourself up like some kind of prize pig! I can’t even IMAGINE what you’re weighing with a gut like THIS.” Coach pressed his fist firmly into Joey’s belly.

“Oooof. Just let me – warm up and – get on the scale, Coach. Come on! Can’t you -”

And then it started. Everyone turned and stared at Joey as he started to moan. Coach looked down at Joey’s belly, convinced he heard a rumble. “What the hell?”

Joey winced and started to breathe like a rhino in labor. He reached around his belly. He felt it swell. He was sure of it. His belly was growing before his eyes. It was starting to blow up, pushing his arms out by the second. He felt the lycra of his uniform tug even tighter. He could almost hear it creak as it strained to cover his increasing mass. The straps were digging hard into his beefy shoulders. He felt a warm spot up against the far side of his belly, the side that he hadn’t seen in two weeks. It was Coach. His belly was ballooning up so fast it was pressing right into his coach.

“Joey. JOEY!” His coach couldn’t help but grab the belly that was inflating out toward him. “Son, I don’t know WHAT the hell is going on in this gut of yours, but you BETTER get over here and SIT your ASS down before – ”

Coach stumbled back a step. Joey’s belly had ballooned up by a good foot in every direction. It was bulging out fatter and rounder, swelling like someone had shoved an air hose down his throat and turned the pressure to full blast. His shoulder straps hit their limit. The fabric started to tear. Joey was now holding his breath, teetering toward his coach, totally unable to balance the weight of his swelling gut. His groans grew deeper. His belly blew up another foot. His face grew redder. His pecs pushed up toward his face as his gut ballooned up and out. Coach took another step back. Joey’s belly blew up to shove into him again.

“Holy shit Coach! He’s gonna blow!”



With a huge snap, the straps blew apart, ricocheting into Coach’s chest.


Joey’s uniform started to split right up the sides. His legs started to wobble. He was rocking, trying to gain his balance, wondering if his belly had finally stopped ballooning. He tipped forward, unable to pull his massive weight back upright. He flopped forward and landed with a huge thud, pinning his coach under his mighty belly. Everyone heard a crunch. Joey just might have broken one of Coach’s ribs. Joey felt himself risingas his gut notched up even bigger. His gut was SO tight! One more inch of swelling, and he would surely bust open. He could feed Coach trying to wriggle free underneath him.

But then it stopped. Thank God! His belly had stopped swelling just in time. And there lay the jock and his coach, separated by the tightly inflated sphere. There was practically no give as Joey leaned on his gut, crushing his victim. Coach was struggling for air, looking up and seeing nothing but belly. Joey panted with exhaustion, arms flopped down against his gigantic belly. His knees didn’t even hit the mat, just his feet.

“Get … . offfff!” Coach gasped weakly.

“Well shit, Coach. At least you know he can still pin a guy.”

“Dude, he’s turning blue. We gotta get this Blimp off of him!”

It took four guys to hoist Joey back to standing. Finally, he was upright, the shredded uniform dropped down to his waist, fully exposing his pumped-up belly. A paramedic rushed over to check out the coach’s rib, and Joey slowly turned to waddle out of the gym.

“Joey – dude – where are you going? You better let the doc here check that thing out!”

“I’m going to flatten my roommate.”

The team stood dumbfounded, one of them jumping back to clear the swing of Joey’s belly as he waddled away.

The Cure

Brian’s knees were knocking as he walked back to their room from the doctor’s lab. Tony was going to kill him, let alone Joey. He nervously rattled the large bottle of pills and eyed the big jar of gooey lotion given to him as experimental antidotes. His meeting with the doctor could not have produced more alarming news.

The scientist became immediately concerned when Brian described Tony’s reaction to the beer. He hadn’t even mentioned Joey’s eating binge before the doctor grabbed a beer from his office refrigerator and raced to the cages housing test mice. Brian was trying to break in to tell the doctor about the jock’s insatiable hunger, but he couldn’t stop the doctor’s frantic chatter.

“You see, I was hoping it was just a temporary phase, affecting only rodents, so I didn’t tell you boys when it came up two weeks ago. I mean, oh dear, I, it can’t be affecting Tony the same, I never even tested alcohol, just, I …”

The doctor was twisting the cap off the beer and pouring some into a small dish as he rambled. He set the bottle next to the mortar and pestle used to grind pills for the test animals. Brian looked over his shoulder to see a large white mouse dozing in the cage.

“You see Son, I’ve been running experiments on interactions with solid food, as I warned you when you signed up. The reactions have been shocking, far more extreme than anticipated.” He shook his head and pointed across the table to another cage. Brian saw a large white furry ball, easily three times the size of the mouse by the doctor. “What’s in that cage?” he asked.

“Another mouse.” Brian peered closer and saw little legs at the bottom of the fur ball. His stomach wrenched as he moved closer. It looked like a white tennis ball with feet and a head. Brian groaned.

“I trust you boys adhered to my instructions on solid food. It’s even more critical than I knew. I thought we had it solved. I never expected the reaction to be so severe. I confess I have been stunned by the rate at which …”

“Wh-what happened to this one?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes. That’s what I’m saying. We started feeding that one half doses of pills and food to test the interactions.”

“Uh-uh huh?”

“Never seen anything like it. I left overnight and came back to find it eating nonstop. It ate a week’s worth of food in an evening. It appears that the pill residue reacts with food once in the mouse’s system to produce uncontrollable hunger, making the subject eat ravenously, apparently totally unable to stop eating with food present. We gave it unlimited access to food to see what would happen. It’s been feeding continually since.”

“Oh God.” Brian’s head started to buzz thinking of Joey. He thought Tony had been exaggerating about Joey’s size, but –

“We had to rub that cream on the mouse’s body to help it stretch. He was eating so fast his skin looked strained. We were worried it might even rupture.”

“Oh, Doctor, I have to tell you something. My friend ignored …”

“But I never even thought to test the reaction to alcohol. I think we have a pill to counteract the hunger reaction, and I was about to call you boys after one last test. It seems to have completely stopped the mouse’s eating. But oh my. Beer. I have no idea what happens when …”

The doctor set the beer into the smaller mouse’s cage. It sniffed curiously and began to drink.

“Doctor, I need to tell you more. See, Tony’s just had a beer, but Joey …

“Sssh, Son. Let’s watch.” Brian grabbed his throbbing head and watched the mouse lap at the beer. It drank about half of the bowl’s contents and then turned away.

“Hmm. Nothing.” Doctor Lambert turned back to Brian. “Now you say Tony’s stomach actually began swelling in a matter of minutes? Are you absolutely certain, Brian? Even with the worst of reactions, I don’t see how …”

“Oh, Doctor, Tony’s reaction is only half the issue. Joey is in serious-”

The drunken mouse started to squeal. The scientist held up his hand to quiet Brian and moved closer to the cage. They both stared as the mouse began to swell. It was pacing and squeaking as its body inflated. The doctor quickly reached into the cage and ordered Brian to grab the jar of lotion. Holding the mouse in his hand, he spread lotion all over the ballooning mouse’s body. It continued to swell to nearly the size of the other obese mouse in a matter of minutes.

“Amazing! I would not have thought it possible that-”


Brian let loose. He told the doctor everything – how Joey mixed food with his dosage from the start and has been eating nonstop. “Who knows how big he is now, and you know about Tony’s stomach after the beer. Doc, you have to do something! I swore this was safe when I talked them into this. What am I going to do now? You’ve got to stop what’s happening!”

And in a matter of minutes, the doctor had shoveled out the pills used to stop the eating mouse’s hunger. Brian was sent to immediately administer a continual dose of the pills to both Brian and Joey until the reactions ceased. The doctor was adamant.

“Whatever you do, make those boys take these pills until they feel normal. Absolutely no more food, and good God no beer. My Lord! Can you imagine if we had given that fat mouse the beer instead of the small one?”

So Brian raced back to their room. “Ugh. I wonder if Tony’s even found Joey yet.”

But when Brian returned to the room, he found Tony there, parked in a chair, burger in hand, stuffing his face. An empty bad sat on the floor and a second bag sat next to him, loaded with food.

“What are you doing?!”

Tony jumped, but then stuffed another bite of food into his already full mouth. He grunted as he chewed, trying to talk around the food. “I – mmffmm – I went to look for him. Mmmffph. I – gulp – it’s happening to me now, man. What’d you find out?” He sheepishly looked down at his protruding stomach. “I had to get food, man. I was so hungry I could barely concentrate. I never even made it to look for Joey.”

The bulge of Tony’s belly gave away that he had been eating the entire time Brian was at the lab. Brian told him everything as he popped open the pill bottle. Tony finished another burger before Brian could get him the first few pills. Tony reached for a beer to wash them down, but Brian yanked it from his hand.

“Are you out of your mind?! One more beer plus that food, and I think your gut will look like a beach ball in ten minutes!”

Tony swallowed the pills dry. “Shit, I’m still hungry. How long did he say it took for these to kick in?” He reached for another burger, but Brian grabbed his hand.

“Here – take a few more. He said to take them until it stops.”

So Tony sat, rubbing his newly formed belly, gulping down a pill every five minutes until the hunger ebbed. His gut was still sticking out, bloated and full, but the hunger pains finally stopped.

“Okay, man. I’m going to look for Joey again. I think I can make it past the burger stand now.” And he hoisted out of the chair. “Man, I never thought I’d see one of these things on my frame!” Tony was engrossed with his belly, feeling every curve of it as he headed out of the room.

“Oh, you better get a ton more of those pills. When you see the size of Joey, you’ll see what I mean. Your doc better make a few more batches if he expects to stop his eating.”

And with that, Tony was gone, cradling his beer gut.

Final Confrontation

Brian paced the room, unable to think of anything but Joey’s inevitable rage. He was rattling the pill jar and tapping the tub of lotion against his leg, growing increasingly anxious at the thought of Joey’s temper. This time, Joey was going to come at him with good reason.

But hell, he thought, it still serves him right. Why is this totally Brian’s fault? The doctor’s instructions could not have clearer. No eating under any circumstance. Period. No exceptions. If Joey had only listened instead of being so bull-headed, he’d be just fine, taking a few pills, no worse for it all. Brian was fine. He did what the doctor said. But nooo, not Joey. He had to eat like the gluttonous jock Brian warned him he would become. But big dumb jock just couldn’t listen. He was too above the rules and did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Maybe it was about damn time he got nailed for being so cavalier.

Brian’s rationalizations were making him feel mad at Joey when he heard the bellows. Then the nervousness resumed.

“Alright you little fucking Shit! I’m gonna squash your skinny ass with this thing!”

Joey’s voice flew up the stairwell ahead of him. Brian went out into the hallway to prepare for the inevitable argument, holding his breath with both fear and irritation. He heard the jock’s grunting as he made his way up the last few stairs. Brian locked his gaze on the double doors at the top of the steps.

Then he saw it. Joey’s yelling didn’t even register as Brian stared in shock. A giant gut was pushing the doors open. Joey was so huge that his belly hit the doors before his hands could. Pushing ahead like a bull, Joey parted the swinging doors with his belly and waddled directly toward Brian.

“Yeah, you stupid runt! Look at me. This is what your fucking ‘SAFE’ experiment did to me. I’m a BLIMP!”

Brian was scared. The rage in Joey’s eyes was unlike anything he’d seen before. Even in their worst of fights, Joey always had a slightly sarcastic tone, like it was never that serious. But it was pure fury this time. Joey was charging at Brian as fast as his mass would permit, arms trying to hold his monstrous gut from bouncing as he lumbered closer.

“So you BETTER tell me you’ve been to that quack to get a cure, ‘cause I was booted from my meet and just about crushed my coach with this thing.” Joey hoisted his belly up and down for emphasis. He grunted deeply from the exertion, and his gut bounced like a giant ball.

That was enough to snap Brian’s tension. He let out a small laugh. Joey flared.

“Oh shit, man, you better NOT be laughing at this.”

Brian tried to wipe the smirk off his face, but it was too hard. He remembered thinking of Joey ballooning up to match his show-off eating habits, but he never dared picture the jock this huge.

Tucking the pills and the lotion behind him, Brian stepped back as Joey edged closer. Brian’s eyes narrowed as he locked gazes with his roommate.

“Well, now. Seems I warned you of two things, didn’t I?” Brian’s voice had the edge now.

“Man, this is SO not the time for fucking I told you so’s!”

“Isn’t it, FATSO?”

“Alright, you puny little-”

“You better back off, you giant pig, if you want to get any of this cure.” Brian shoved the pills in his back pocket and held up the lotion. “Even before this experiment, I warned you to ease up on all that eating before your gut blew up for good. And then I warned you not to eat a thing during the test. You ignored me and had to do things your own way like always, and now it seems like you got what you deserved.”

Joey leaned his belly into Brian. “What I deserved? Man, you’re UN-fucking-believable! I’ll give you what YOU deserve and crush you flat under this freaky gut!”

“Yeah, will you? And then what, you fat jock? You flatten me in some show-off move, and then what?”

Joey pushed into Brian a little more, but said nothing.

“Yeah, has you thinking huh? You smug blimp. If you flatten me, there’s no way you’ll know how to stop that gut of yours from growing. Who knows how fat you can get from here? Hell, you might not even fit through that doorway soon without the cure I have here.”

Brian teased Joey with the jar of cream.

“What’s that?” Joey rocked himself back a little, easing his gut away from Brian.

“Ah, see now you want to listen huh? For once the big fat jock has to shut up and listen to me.”

Joey’s anger swelled. He tried to grab for the jar. Brian dodged him. Joey’s gut bumped into the wall as he lost his balance.”

“Nice try, you moose. I bet you couldn’t move that gut fast enough to pin a guy now, fatso!”

“Gimme that jar, you little runt!”

“Or what?”

“OR – or -”

Joey gnashed his teeth.

“Yeah, or nothing. I thought so.” Brian was loving this. He finally had Joey under control. “So you want this jar?”

Tersely, Joey answered. “YES.” His face was reddening and his nostrils were flaring, but he bit his tongue. “I do.”

Brian tossed it at him, bouncing it right onto the top of Joey’s belly. The jock grabbed it on the rebound and stared dumbly.

“What do I do with it?”

“You rub it on your stomach.”

“I what?”

“You rub it all over that massive stomach of yours. Slather it on every square inch. Grease yourself up like a pig.”

“What in the hell does that do?”

“Just do it!”

“Brian, man, unless you tell me what you’re up to, I’m not doing a damn thing! Look what your last bright idea did for me.”

“Okay then, figure it out for yourself.”

Brian charged into their room and slammed the door, leaving Joey standing in the hallway, staring down at the jar and his massive belly. What would rubbing this on his gut do? He started to panic a little. He yelled out for Brian.

“Come on man. Give me a fucking break! Just tell me what the deal is.”


“Brian?” Still quiet. “BRIAN?” Joey started to sound desperate. “Bri?”

With a huge sigh, Joey opened the jar and tapped its contents onto the top and sides of his gut. Rubbing in big circles, he spread the lotion all over himself, twisting to reach as much of his belly as possible.

“Alright, man. I’m doing what you said. But I need some help out here.”

The door opened, and Brian’s head poked out. Joey was pointing toward the front of his stomach.

“I need you to get me out there. All the fine food your doc gave us made me so fat I can’t even reach around my own stomach.” Brian laughed again.

“That’s right. You’re WAY too fat, aren’t you? But it’s not because of what Doctor Lambert gave you. It’s because you had to keep eating and eating like you always do, isn’t it?”

“Come on man, I’m doing what you’re telling me here. No more damn lectures. Just rub this crap on me, huh.”

A big grin spread across Brian’s face. He couldn’t believe the size of Joey’s belly. He spread the last of the lotion on the jock’s gut, massaging it in, making sure to hit every inch of its bulging, round curve. Joey kind of moaned a bit, in spite of himself.

“Felling good, big guy?”

Joey startled at the question and tried to move his belly back from Brian. But Brian pressed his torso against Joey’s giant belly, running his hands in broad circles across its bloated expanse.

“Seems you’re liking that, big guy.” Joey closed his eyes, trying to ignore Brian, but he let out another moan in spite of himself.

Admit it, you wanted to be a fat pig, didn’t you?”

“Man – I – ”

“Didn’t you?” Brian now spread both hands over Joey’s belly, hugging and rubbing it firmly in kneading arcs, staring the jock squarely in the eye. Now Joey’s gaze faltered. “You like that don’t you, Fatboy. You like having this massive porker of a gut. You’re almost worried that you’ll miss having the Goodyear blimp for a stomach.”

Joey cleared his throat uncomfortably.

“Tell me.”

Joey tried to look at the floor, seeing only belly.

“You DO want to know the next step in the cure, don’t you?”

Joey looked back at Brian.

“Don’t you?”

The jock opened his mouth but still said nothing.

“Or maybe you don’t.” Brian was now smacking his arms into Joey’s flesh, making it thump like a timpani. “It seems to me that you kept feeding yourself up for an awfully long time after you realized the side effect. A guy who wanted to stay the tight, fit muscle jock would’ve come running for an antidote LONG before his belly blew up to this size. You must have wanted to really pack it on this semester, get as fat as you possibly could, hmm?”

Brian and Joey stood glaring at each other. Joey was blushing even more.

“Tell me you’re meant to be fat.”

“I – what? Aw, come on.”


Joey stammered, but emitted only grunts.

Brian started to walk away. “Okay then, you’re on your own once and for all. Figure out the cure yourself. You might just stay that fat forever.”

Joey snapped. “Okay, okay! I’m fat.”

“And you like it.“

“Aw shit. Yeah, man, I like eating.”

Brian walked back up to Joey’s belly and reached around it.

“You don’t like eating. You LOVE eating. You’ll do anything to get that belly stuffed.”

Joey flushed. “Yeah.”

“Yeah WHAT?”

“Yeah, I like gorging, man. Hell, you knew that.”

“And what happens to guys who gorge too much.”

“They get fat.” Joey grabbed his big belly for emphasis.

“How fat?”

“Shit, apparently SO fat.”

“So fat that maybe they get what they deserve for being such cocky pigs?”

“Fuck man, I admitted I get off on stuffing my gut. What more do you want?!”

“Tell me you got what you deserved.”

“Holy shit, man. What kind of messed up game is this.”

“Tell me you got what you deserved, or I don’t EVER tell you the next step in the cure.”

“Aw man! There’s more? I thought this cream you rubbed all over me was it, man. What’s the deal here?”

“The deal is you admit this gut serves you right, or you’re stuck with it forever, Fatso.”

Joey was fuming, trying to resist the urge to crush Brian once and for all. But he felt his big gut and held back. He held onto the outer curve of his belly and pressed it into his own hands a bit. A sheepish smirk broke at the corner of his mouth as he cradled his fat.

“Okay, man, you’re right.”

“You’re what, then?”

“You’re right.”

“No, I know I’m right, but what’s that made you?”


“How fat?”

“Really fat.”

“HOW fat?”

“Shit – So fucking fat. I’m never gonna be able to lose this thing in time for football.”

“Fatter! Tell me again!” Joey snapped his response like a well-trained jock during drills.

“So fucking huge that I can’t even jam this monster belly into the biggest jersey I’ve got. So damn fat that I could eat all fucking DAY and not fill this thing.”

“And you loved it.”

Joey’s words caught in his throat.

“You absolutely loved it. You knew you were meant to be a blimp, and I finally made you give into it. I made you bigger than you ever thought possible.”

Joey made a noise. Brian leaned back into the belly separating them and held Joey’s gaze.

“TELL ME.” Brian felt Joey leaning back and he kneaded the jock’s taught skin.

“Yeah man, it was fucking cool. I couldn’t BELIEVE how much I was putting away. I was eating and eating and eating, wondering how huge I could get this thing before it would pop. You happy man? I was totally hooked on the gorging.” Joey’s head dropped. “Damn!”

Brian had broken him. They both stood there for a few minutes, outstretched arms hugging the belly between them but not able to touch.

Brian broke the silence. “Almost seems like a shame for you to lose this thing.”

Joey whispered back, rubbing his belly fondly. “But man, I gotta. I’ll lose my scholarship.”

“Yeah, I guess we ought to move into the next phase of this.”

“Yeah, Bri. I gotta give up this gorging. I gotta go back. This has gotten totally out of control. I’m way too fucking huge. I never thought I could get THIS fat. Never.” He was whimpering.

Brian put on an expression that Joey took for understanding. “Yeah, it’d be scary to see you fatten up even more, huh?” Thinking that Brian was giving in, Joey let out a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, man. I’m kinda freaked. I might not stop eating unless we cure this now. Who knows how huge I’d get?”

“Yeah, exactly Fatso. Who knows?”

Joey stood balancing his weight as Brian disappeared back into their room. Joey heard liquid filling a container and something dragging across the floor before Brian returned with a hose.

“Lie down.”

“Huh? Bri, what’s with the beer bong?”

“Just lie down and I’ll tell you.”

“You’re kidding right? Look at the size of me man. I can’t lie – ”

“Then get down on your knees so I can reach.” Brian moved behind Joey and kicked him in the back of the knees. The jock dropped. His gut pounding onto the floor with a thud.

“Lean back.”

“I don’t get it.”

“LEAN BACK.” Joey tugged his gut off the floor to lean back toward Brian. It hovered pendulously, like a zeppelin taking off. Joey rocked to stabilize himself. Brian grabbed him by the hair and tipped his head back, pulling his mouth wide open. He plugged the beer bong firmly into Joey’s mouth and leaned into his ear.

“Now you do EXACTLY what I saw. The only way to neutralize your hunger is to drown it out with as much beer as we can pump into you. Got it? You have to chug and chug like you NEVER have before. To make the reaction work, we have to totally flood your stomach. GOT IT?”

Joey knelt frozen except for a small nod. Mouth plugged, he watched Brian go back to the room to bring out six pitchers of beer.

“Ready, Fatboy?”

Joey nodded apprehensively. He took one huge breath through the tube before Brian dumped the first pitcher down his throat. Gravity pounded the beer straight into the jock’s mouth. Joey clenched his eyes shut and concentrated on swallowing as fast as he could. He downed one pitcher before he realized it. Brian dumped in the next one right away. Joey’s nostrils flared like a horse as he gulped and gulped. Foam leaked from the corners of his mouth. Brian forced Joey to support the funnel himself and rammed the tube deeper into his mouth. He dumped the third and fourth pitcher simultaneously. Then the fifth and sixth.

Joey’s head was spinning. With a pop, Brian tugged the hose out of his mouth.

“Catch your breath, big guy. That’s just round one.”

Joey let out a massive belch and panted. Blinking drunkenly, he saw Brian dragging the entire keg his way.

“Uuuuggh. Man, I can’t. Uuuurrrp. Give me a minute. I’m – errruuuup -I’m too – fucking b-bloated.”

“If this is going to work, you’re going to chug when I tell you to chug!”

Brian sounded fierce. Joey moaned in compliance as Brian wedged the keg nozzle into Joey’s mouth. He shoved the blimp’s jaw shut, making his teeth open the tap. Beer gushed and gushed into Joey. Brian pumped the keg frantically, not easing up until it was totally drained. Joey felt his gut stomach distend from the sheer volume of beer. Brian finally pulled the tap from Joey’s mouth, leaving him struggling to inhale, unable to take a full breath from the incredible pressure built up in his belly.

Joey moaned and gently eased his belly back onto the floor. Exhausted, he leaned forward onto his stomach, but the pressure made him grunt. He reopened his eyes. They were glazed over. Still gasping, he looked around for Brian.

“Now what? Hiccup.”

Brian was back in the room.

“Bri man, oooooo, hiccup. Mmmmm. Dude? What now?”

Brian came back with three opened beer bottles between his fingers in one hand, an even fiercer look in his eyes.

“Oh, NO fucking – uuurrp – WAY.”

Brian was behind Joey before he could complain again, wrapping one arm under the jock’s chin, pulling his head back and pouring all three beers into his mouth. Joey thrashed his head, sloshing beer out of his mouth and choking. Brian gripped his chin even tighter and kept pouring. Trying desperately to break away, Joey tipped onto his monstrous belly and tried to get to his feet. Brian clamped onto him, jamming the beer bottles right into Joey’s mouth. They both grunted and struggled as the wrestler’s powerful legs straightened. Joey dead-lifted himself to a standing position. Brian held firmly onto his neck and wrapped his legs around Joey’s bulging love handles. His legs quivered as he tried to hold on, sitting on the fattened-up bulge of Joey’s ass cheeks for support.

“Ooooh. Ooooooooohh.” Joey’s moan deepened and he tipped forward. Brian hung on and rocked forward with him.

“Uuuuggh. Man, I feel weird. Uuuugggggh.”

Brian felt his legs pull apart slightly. It was starting. He dropped the beer bottles and wrapped his other arm around Joey’s neck. He pulled into Joey’s ear and hissed. “You haven’t even come CLOSE to seeing fat yet, you giant bloated pig.”

“Oooooo. Shit, my gut – uuuggh – feels – ooh – MAN – so TIGHT.”

“Oh yeah, Fatboy. You ain’t seen NOTHING yet! You’re about to REALLY balloon up. I’m making sure you’re too fucking fat to EVER be able to fit into a jersey again!”

Joey was grimacing, hugging his belly, planting it on the floor again.

“Whoa, fuck. Feels like – errrraaah – it’s growing.”

Brian felt his legs pull further apart. Joey’s belly was starting to blow up right under them. It swelled visibly, tipping them both up as the widest part of the jock’s belly swelled and swelled. Joey’s back went parallel to the floor. His toes barely hit the ground as he rocked up onto his ballooning stomach. Brian hung on, riding him like a bucking bull.

“That’s right, you porker. All that beer ain’t no cure, Fatso. It reacts with everything you’ve stuffed into yourself, and you’re gonna to balloon up to record size right before my eyes!!”

Brian laughed mercilessly. Joey’s belly inflated a foot, lifting his feet right off the floor. Brian’s legs forced further apart. Joey was now stranded on top of his own swelling stomach, ballooning up, hands and feet now a good foot from reaching to floor. Teetering back and forth, he groaned and swelled and swelled. He was now steadily ballooning, rising another two feet in the air by the minute, no sign of stopping. Brian shifted to ride Joey like a bronco, jabbing his feet into his bulging sides. Each kick bounced into increasingly tightened flesh. Joey was utterly howling. The pressure built as he ballooned and ballooned and ballooned. His belly blew out tight as a drum in every direction, bulging into a perfect sphere, lifting them both even higher in the air. His skin started to shine, purple as it stretched to its absolute limits.

“Aaarrrrggghh. MAKE IT STOP!!!”

“HA! No way to stop it now, you fat pig. You’re gonna be circling the stadiums like the Goodyear blimp from now on, fattened up beyond belief, my own personal human balloon!”

Brian started bouncing up and down, riding Joey hard. Joey inflated nonstop, gasping with each thud from his rider, belly so utterly tight that Brian launched up after each bounce. Joey’s stomach tightened up more and more, swelling faster with absolutely no give. The pressure mounted. Brian felt himself bounce higher as Joey blew up to meet him, belly now inflating so fast that it rose to catch him on the rebound.

“Man- ooof – help – ooooof – me.!!”

Brian bounced harder.

“Ugh – I’m gonna – oooof – fucking – uuuggh – POP!!”

“Like I’d stop it now if I could, Fatso!”

And with that, Brian’s head hit the ceiling. This time he blurted out, “Holy shit.”

He looked down at Joey’s continual swelling.

“Oh god.” The jock was still ballooning. How much longer would he swell? Brian had to tip his head to clear the closing gap. He scrambled down to lay flat on Joey’s back, but the jock kept rising and rising.


Brian panicked as he felt his back touch the ceiling. Joey swelled a little more. Brian felt himself pressing between the jock and the ceiling. Joey ballooned a little more. Brian could barely inhale

“You’re – crushing – me!”

Just a deep moan back. Joey couldn’t talk. Brian felt wedged in a vice, his ribs squashing into Joey’s back as he blew up a notch more. Joey inched up fatter yet. Brian started to get dizzy, air knocked out of his lungs. Trying desperately to inhale, he didn’t notice that Joey’s growing had slowed. Both boys were gasping for air. Brian was completely prone, smashed flat between the ceiling and Joey’s back.

But then it stopped. Joey had blown up to maximum size, belly so huge that he plugged the hallway. He grunted, each movement and exhale making it harder for Brian to breathe. Too jammed in to speak, they both laid there stunned.

“Whhoooaaaa.” Tony whistled, creeping up the hallway toward the giant mound of flesh blocking the way.

“Joey?” He gingerly touched the round bulge in front of him, wondering if it could be for real. He pressed both hands against the jock’s stomach. There wasn’t an ounce of give. Joey’s skin was stretched tight as a drum, ready to bust with one firm poke. Tony heard the muffled gasps from above and took several steps back, trying to see past the arc of the planet in front of him. But all he saw was belly. He called Joey’s name again. Only muted groans in reply. He looked around the hall and saw the toppled keg and scattered bottles and pitchers. He picked up one of the half empty beers and stared back at the looming curve of flesh in front of him, realizing what Brian had done.

Grabbing his own stomach, he whistled and took another step back. Not even sure what to do to get his friend freed, he stumbled down the hall, thinking he should get help from someone. Gaze fixed on the belly barricading the passageway, he stalled, looking from his own bulging stomach back to the unbelievably giant stomach of his buddy. He rubbed his own gut, feeling its every curve, thinking he better run for help fast. Almost denying what he did, he put the beer bottle to his lips, drained the last of the brew in four quick gulps, patted his growing stomach, and ran off for help

The End

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2 responses to “Super Heavy Weight Class”

  1. Me encantó la historia, pero creo que falta el final. Gracias


    1. Can you provide more information? Thank you!


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